operations.cpp - Windows fixes
Summary operations.cpp - Windows fixes
Justin Haygood
Reported 2005-07-21 09:30:15 PDT
Fixes operations.cpp on Windows
Fixes it to work on Windows (1.15 KB, patch)
2005-07-21 09:30 PDT, Justin Haygood
mjs: review+
Justin Haygood
Comment 1 2005-07-21 09:30:42 PDT
Created attachment 3046 [details] Fixes it to work on Windows Fixes operations.cpp for Windows
Justin Haygood
Comment 2 2005-07-21 09:31:04 PDT
Comment on attachment 3046 [details] Fixes it to work on Windows Fixes ti to work on Windows
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 3 2005-07-24 17:14:50 PDT
Comment on attachment 3046 [details] Fixes it to work on Windows r=me
Darin Adler
Comment 4 2005-08-31 00:55:21 PDT
Sorry, these were sitting around in UNCONFIRMED so I didn't notice them. Landing them now.
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