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Math.random() not seeded
Math.random() not seeded
Finlay Dobbie
2005-07-16 04:51:53 PDT
Math.random() appears to be unseeded, and uses the rand() function which is known to perform poorly on OS X (IIRC, anyway). A partial workaround is to srand(time(NULL)) from the host application.
(2.61 KB, patch)
2005-12-26 20:23 PST
Geoffrey Garen
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Fix 2
(2.58 KB, patch)
2005-12-27 11:45 PST
Geoffrey Garen
: review-
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Fix 3
(1.75 KB, patch)
2005-12-27 22:30 PST
Geoffrey Garen
: review+
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Finlay Dobbie
Comment 1
2005-07-16 04:53:38 PDT
Bug 4027
has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 2
2005-12-26 20:23:27 PST
attachment 5294
Fix FYI, rand() is the *faster* of the random number generators on OS X. (random() makes the cryptography gods happier, but I don't think we need to worry about anyone using JavaScript for that...)
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 3
2005-12-27 01:35:27 PST
Comment on
attachment 5294
Fix Is the :: business really needed here? Also, mightn't you want a time value that has more than second precision? But otherwise, r=me looks like a good improvement.
Darin Adler
Comment 4
2005-12-27 10:29:51 PST
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attachment 5294
Fix Is it really a good thing for JavaScript to change the global seed used by the process it's hosted in? Also, why not use sranddev() instead of srand(time(0))? And why not switch to random(), at least on OS X? If we used that, we could use initstate() and setstate() and make the random number sequence for JavaScriptCore be entirely separate from the random number sequence used by other callers inside the process.
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 5
2005-12-27 11:45:01 PST
attachment 5304
Fix 2 Attempt to address some of the comments above.
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 6
2005-12-27 11:45:49 PST
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attachment 5304
Fix 2 patch to get rid of ::, use sranddev(), but not use random().
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 7
2005-12-27 11:53:15 PST
In addition to non-portability, I didn't want to use random() because it's advertised as being slower than rand(), and random number generation is a part of the ibench test suite. One option to avoid trampling the parent process would be to test for rand() == 16807, which is the first value returned by an unseeded rand(). I doubt that's portable, though.
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 8
2005-12-27 14:26:29 PST
Trampling the parent process is unfortunate but seems unavoidable without a portable, efficient API to do it otherwise.
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 9
2005-12-27 14:31:36 PST
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attachment 5304
Fix 2 Actually, now that I look more closely - shouldn't randomSeeded be a static variable, rather than a field of MathFunctionImp? As it is, every interpreter will reseed the RNG on the first call to Math.random, that doesn't seem to be what we want.
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 10
2005-12-27 22:30:47 PST
attachment 5325
Fix 3 Use a static class boolean to track seeding the RNG. I think globals get initialized to 0 by default, so the initializer may be overkill. Can't hurt, I suppose.
Justin Haygood
Comment 11
2005-12-28 10:37:00 PST
For Windows, we can use rand_s(), which uses the system generated seed. This will let the 2 OSes have the best OS specific optimizations available. rand_s is the new Whidbey CRT (the C Runtime Environment used by Visual Studio 2005) that uses Windows XP's (and Windows Vista's) cryptographically secure APIs for generating random numbers and uses CryptoAPI on older platforms, automagically. Would this be a suitable #ifdef?
Darin Adler
Comment 12
2005-12-28 10:42:01 PST
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attachment 5325
Fix 3 The page load test intentionally seeds the random number generator the same way every time to give repeatable results. This patch is going to break that feature.
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 13
2005-12-28 16:36:22 PST
Comment on
attachment 5325
Fix 3 r=me, to address Darin's concern, the PLT could do what it does after ensuring that at least one random number has been generated, since this latest patch promises one time only seeding. Class scope statics do need to be initialized, but you could make it file scope, then there is no need to mention it in the header. It is better to leave implementation details out of headers when possible IMO.
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 14
2005-12-29 03:07:48 PST
Landed. Also sent a patch for review to address the PLT issue.
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