CSS2/3: Descendant and indirect adjacent selectors don't backtrack properly
Summary CSS2/3: Descendant and indirect adjacent selectors don't backtrack properly
Dave Hyatt
Reported 2005-06-10 22:49:40 PDT
Both the descendant and indirect adjacent selectors do not backtrack properly. It's possible for the element on the left to match the selector but then to fail the match later on as you continue to move to the left looking at other selectors. When this happens WebKit just fails to match the rule, but instead you need to backtrack and keep trying more elements. Should be fixable by splitting out the code to match these selectors into functions and getting some recursion in there. :) We will need to test performance once the change is made, since making the descendant selector behave properly could have a negative performance impact.
Test showing the problem (works in Firefox) (367 bytes, text/html)
2005-06-10 22:56 PDT, Dave Hyatt
no flags
Another test case (works with firefox / opera PC) (279 bytes, text/html)
2005-09-27 01:26 PDT, Evgeni Popov
no flags
Quick patch (10.16 KB, patch)
2007-08-13 05:56 PDT, Allan Sandfeld Jensen
no flags
Patch (17.16 KB, patch)
2007-08-15 07:54 PDT, Allan Sandfeld Jensen
allan.jensen: review-
New patch (15.90 KB, patch)
2007-08-16 06:00 PDT, Allan Sandfeld Jensen
mjs: review+
Updated patch (17.17 KB, patch)
2007-09-17 06:04 PDT, Allan Sandfeld Jensen
eric: review+
Dave Hyatt
Comment 1 2005-06-10 22:56:39 PDT
Created attachment 2243 [details] Test showing the problem (works in Firefox)
Evgeni Popov
Comment 2 2005-09-27 01:26:41 PDT
Created attachment 4059 [details] Another test case (works with firefox / opera PC)
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
Comment 3 2005-11-27 05:53:58 PST
The same bug is tracked in KDE as
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
Comment 4 2007-08-13 05:56:39 PDT
Created attachment 15952 [details] Quick patch Here is a quick patch that fixes this bug isolated. The patch is not ready for review yet, but I will submit it later as part of a larger patch that fixes several serious issues in WebKit's CSS Selector implementation.
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
Comment 5 2007-08-15 07:54:24 PDT
Created attachment 15980 [details] Patch A more complete patch. It cleans up minor crud in the CSS selector handling, but stays clear of any major changes. I decided a larger patch probably wasn't suitable at this time.
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
Comment 6 2007-08-15 08:08:55 PDT
Comment on attachment 15980 [details] Patch forget it, it fails a few regression-tests, now that I got the tests working.
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
Comment 7 2007-08-16 06:00:51 PDT
Created attachment 15995 [details] New patch Updated patch. I had missed how you handled pseudostyles differently. I still get regression-failures, but I assume now that the rest are normal for the WebKitQt build.
Dave Hyatt
Comment 8 2007-08-19 21:01:02 PDT
Comment on attachment 15995 [details] New patch This looks ok. What did you mean when you said that there are still failures? Are there tests we need to worry about (or do they just need to be fixed because they pass now)?
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
Comment 9 2007-08-19 23:06:24 PDT
I have around 100 test that fails with small stuff like varying heights. I didn't read all of them. I assume that most are just the difference between Mac and Qt versions, but some are likely to be improvements too. I am still working on getting the tests to run properly.
Cameron Zwarich (cpst)
Comment 10 2007-08-28 21:35:11 PDT
The only two failures I get on the Mac are fast/js/function-decompilation-operators.html and http/tests/security/cross-frame-access-protocol-explicit.html. I doubt these are failing due to the patch.
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 11 2007-08-31 18:28:52 PDT
Comment on attachment 15995 [details] New patch Given Cameron's comment and hyatt's previous comment, r=me for the feature-branch. We may need to roll feature branch forward for this to apply cleanly.
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
Comment 12 2007-09-17 06:04:33 PDT
Created attachment 16305 [details] Updated patch This updated patch fixes a possible performance regression I thought would never occur in the wild. The regression occured on a very deep tree with similar nested nodes, and a 3 or more part descent selector that matched these nodes. Unfortunately I found a case with "XHTML served as HTML" this week that did just that, because a lot of elements were never closed.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 13 2007-10-11 13:27:32 PDT
Just curious what the status here is. Did you mean to mark that patch for review?
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
Comment 14 2007-10-11 13:34:00 PDT
The old patch was approved. This new patch is just a speed-up.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 15 2007-10-11 13:55:28 PDT
Comment on attachment 16305 [details] Updated patch I know mjs already reviewed the old one, but I figured I should at least look before landing. Still looks sane. r=me.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 16 2007-10-11 18:27:18 PDT
Landed on feature-branch.
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