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REGRESSION: 280Slides canvas arrows garbled on rotate/resize
REGRESSION: 280Slides canvas arrows garbled on rotate/resize
Matt Lilek
2008-06-05 22:38:48 PDT
The arrows you can add to slides in 280Slides don't appear to repaint when you resize/rotate them: 1) Go to <
> 2) Click the "Shapes" button in the toolbar 3) Scroll to the bottom of the HUD that appears and double click the last item (or any of the other arrows) 4) Resize the new arrow - notice the tearing This doesn't seem to happen with any non-arrow shapes.
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Oliver Hunt
Comment 1
2008-06-05 22:54:01 PDT
This appears to be a site bug. As far as I can tell they are failing to call beginPath() when they redraw the arrows, resulting in an ever increasing path, rather than replacing the content. Unfortunately it uses an inordinate amount of generated JS so determining what's going wrong for sure will be difficult.
Oliver Hunt
Comment 2
2008-06-05 23:34:06 PDT
This would definitely appear to be our bug. No deliberate Path changes that could result in this have happened since 3.1 that i'm aware of, so it's time to find where the unintentional change occurred. My guess is in the path trasnform patch from a couple of months ago, i'd appreciate it if someone could confirm.
Oliver Hunt
Comment 3
2008-06-27 15:51:46 PDT
Fixed on 280Slides, was missing a call to beginPath()
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