REGRESSION: One JavaScript test suite test at fails
Summary REGRESSION: One JavaScript test suite test at fails
Jyrki Wahlstedt
Reported 2008-05-13 23:29:59 PDT
Visiting the page given in the URL above (found at "Test runner online" at and clicking the "Run" button gives one failure at server/jsUnitServerAjaxTests.html, testReceiveServerStatus failed. The explanation is "Expected <server started|test run requested> (String) but was <null>. I do not know JavaScript processing enough to say, whether this is a bug in the test (ok in Firefox 3b5 anyway) or in Webkit. The test was run with Webkit r33029.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1 2008-05-14 09:55:01 PDT
Confirming as a regression from Safari 3.1.1. It is not immediately clear what has changed though, a reduction will need to be made.
Jyrki Wahlstedt
Comment 2 2008-06-02 04:55:46 PDT
Not knowing what has been done to correct this bug I noticed that at least in version r34278 (WinXP) this works ok.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 3 2008-06-02 06:57:08 PDT
THis fails in revisions up to r33980, but passes in r33944-sf and r34020, which means that switching JavaScript interpreter to SquirrelFish magically fixed this.
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