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Backslash escape (\) for splitting CSS rules into a couple of lines fails in WebKit
Backslash escape (\) for splitting CSS rules into a couple of lines fails in ...
2008-04-18 17:55:34 PDT
I Steps: Go to
II Issue: The text appears red instead of green as backslash parsing fails. III Conclusion: issue with backslash parsing IV Other browsers: IE7: not ok; link does not open FF3: ok Opera9.24: ok V Nightly tested: 32005 Another link with same issue:
(this test passes in Opera)
minimal test case
(369 bytes, application/xhtml+xml)
2008-06-02 04:20 PDT
Robert Blaut
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Robert Blaut
Comment 1
2008-06-02 04:19:29 PDT
I can confirm the bug. It violates the definition of CSS 2.1 CR: "It is possible to break strings over several lines, for esthetic or other reasons, but in such a case the newline itself has to be escaped with a backslash (\). For instance, the following two selectors are exactly the same: a[title="a not s\ o very long title"] {/*...*/} a[title="a not so very long title"] {/*...*/}" [
Robert Blaut
Comment 2
2008-06-02 04:20:01 PDT
attachment 21458
minimal test case
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 3
2010-02-16 19:08:24 PST
See also:
bug 28885
Glenn Adams
Comment 4
2012-09-27 19:44:06 PDT
the analysis of this bug is incorrect; in particular, the attached test case and the test from hixie cited below [1] contain a backslash that is OUTSIDE of a string, and NOT in a string; [1]
the text cited below in
comment #1
refers to backslash appearing IN a string; the more complete, relevant text from CSS 2.1 is found in Section 4.1.3 [2] which states: "First, inside a string, a backslash followed by a newline is ignored (i.e., the string is deemed not to contain either the backslash or the newline). Outside a string, a backslash followed by a newline stands for itself (i.e., a DELIM followed by a newline)." [2]
so, in fact, the backslash followed by newline that appears in these tests should be treated as the token sequence <DELIM NL> according to the general grammar in [3], DELIM matches the 'any' non-terminal, so the attached test should parse as two consecutive rulesets: ruleset <= 'h1 {background: white; color: red}' ruleset <= '\ zzz, h1 {color: green}' where in the second ruleset the selector non-terminal matches DELIM IDENT DELIM IDENT [3]
now, however, the more restrictive grammar in Appendix G [4] does not admit backslash or DELIM as a token in a selector, so consequently, the second ruleset fails to match the selector non-terminal, and thus the entire second statement is treated as a malformed statement and ignored [5] [4]
i checked both Opera and FF and both behave the same as WK
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