NEW 18590
Popup opened from iframes not working
Summary Popup opened from iframes not working
Jay Campan
Reported 2008-04-18 11:26:06 PDT
Open a page with an iframe that opens a pop-up window. Expected: the pop-up window is opened Actual: the iframe content is replaced with the pop-up content Notes: - this happens with the "Block Pop-Up Windows" pref on and off. - this works fine in IE 7 and FireFox 2. Here is the sample pages I am using: page.html <html> The IFrame below opens a popup<br> <iframe src="popup.html"></iframe> </html> popup.html: <html> This page opens a popup. <script>'hello.html', name, "status = 1, height = 300, width = 300, resizable = 0" ); </script> </html> hello.html: <html> hello </html>
Sam Weinig
Comment 1 2008-04-18 13:51:52 PDT
I believe the issue is that the 'name' variable is evaluating to undefined, though I haven't checked why that is an issue.
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