Main part of page doesn't display
Summary Main part of page doesn't display
Stefan Reumann
Reported 2008-04-09 08:45:53 PDT
Hi, kudos to this fantastic app!! I am NOT a developer, just a user, so I cannot explain in detail, what happens on this page, just the fact it works in Firefox made me report this to you! Thie page represents the Eurosport TV program and the main conent, the schedule doesn't show up in Webkit at all. Since most web sites show up perfectly, I just wanted to let you know one what fails. Keep up the great work, it is very much appreciated!! Cheers, Stefan
Comment 1 2008-04-10 05:40:47 PDT
That page isn't displayed correctly in Firefox 3 Beta 5 either. Works with IE 7. The problem seems to be located in the linked stylesheet "layout-5.1.css": #lyr1,#lyr2,#lyr3{z-index:-1;float:left;position:relative;visibility:visible;top:0px;left:0px;} If I remove the property "z-index:-1" the page is rendered correctly in Safari 3.1 and Firefox 3b5.
Robert Hogan
Comment 2 2012-09-29 04:10:33 PDT
Either the content at the URL has changed or the reported issue was fixed - but either way there isn't enough evidence for a bug here anymore. Closing as invalid.
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