Acid3 Test 79 random failure
Summary Acid3 Test 79 random failure
Garret Huntress
Reported 2008-04-02 15:26:51 PDT
I've been using r31446 all day, and decided to give the acid3 test another whirl this afternoon (to stare at that 100/100 glory), but I was shocked to see test 79 fail the first time around: Test 79 failed: character position 6, which is between a normal character, which has some kerning after it, and the first character of a two-character glyph, which has some kerning before it, is 21600 but should be 21800 Immediate reload and it went back to 100/100. Took screen shots of both states (Before and after reload). -Garret
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 1 2008-04-13 22:26:27 PDT
I'm pretty sure we have a dupe of this. I think Acid3 actually has timing issues. It doesn't force the font load to be synchronous.
Dirk Schulze
Comment 2 2014-05-12 05:19:53 PDT
I think we fixed that a while back. Can't reproduce.
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