SVG should allow clicks to "fall through" to XHTML content when transparent
Summary SVG should allow clicks to "fall through" to XHTML content when transparent
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 1 2007-12-18 16:11:17 PST
Ok, I think this test is wrong. The event should dispatch to the front-most element under that mouse location. (I'm sure there is a spec which says this.) In this case, that's the SVG <rect> element which is semi-transparent. Since pointer-events defaults to "visiblePainted" the <rect> element can actually accept events, and thus the hit testing stops. An event is dispatched up the tree to the <rect> element, through the <object> and <svg> elements, but NOT touching the <html:a> elements which are not in the ancestor tree for the <rect>. Then the event bubbles back down through the same tree, again, never touching the <html:a> elements. If the <rect> had pointer-events="none" specified, then it would fail to hit-test and the <html:a> element should actually be clickable. We still fail this test with pointer-events="none", not sure why. That might be real bug on our part, or I might be misinterpreting how hit testing should actually work.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 2 2007-12-18 16:20:45 PST
Ok, I've looked into this more w/ our implementation. Even when the <svg> declines hit-testing via pointer-events="none", the <object> itself is still hit. Which makes some sense. At least it would make sense for an absolutely positioned empty <object> to block any mouse events from reaching elements below it. But perhaps in this case, since the <object> is just a container, if its kids fail to hit test, it should also fail.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 3 2007-12-18 16:24:43 PST
To "fix" this would simply require overriding nodeAtPoint in RenderPartObject, RenderPart, or RenderReplaced (probably RenderPart) to only hit-or-not depending on what its child render objects say, except in the case of fallback content, where it should probably participate in hit-testing like normal.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 4 2007-12-25 23:30:08 PST
I CC'd hyatt so that he can comment on if he feels <object> should be accepting the click event itself when its kids refuse it.
Ian 'Hixie' Hickson
Comment 5 2007-12-26 13:16:41 PST
What do the specs say? I seem to recall SVG has some sort of rule about events always hitting the "canvas" and going to the root element or something. Anyway CSS doesn't define hit-testing, we should really come up with a spec to define this sometime.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 6 2008-01-19 02:20:16 PST
AFAICT the clicks should always hit the <object> element. Until this is specified otherwise, I think this should be closed as invalid.
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