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Changes in behaviour in trunk and fb
Changes in behaviour in trunk and fb
Rob Buis
2007-10-04 02:04:20 PDT
I noticed after trying to apply the fix for 15088 to fb that it fails the testcase. On trunk it works, on fb it doesnt. Since I think fb is the new trunk or at least the idea was that it is like trunk with extra svg and media features, this seems a problem to me. Cheers, Rob.
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Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 1
2007-10-07 01:18:04 PDT
This bug needs more information. :( Or maybe it should just be duped to
bug 15088
and the fix for that bug extended to handle whatever changed between trunk and feature-branch.
Rob Buis
Comment 2
2007-10-09 02:34:18 PDT
(In reply to
comment #0
> I noticed after trying to apply the fix for 15088 to fb that it fails the > testcase. On trunk it works, on fb it doesnt. Since I think fb is the new trunk > or at least the idea was that it is like trunk with extra svg and media > features, this seems a problem to me.
After some more merging done on fb this bug seems fixed, so I landed 15088. Cheers, Rob.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 3
2007-10-09 04:54:43 PDT
Marking... um... FIXED, per
comment 2
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