CSS3: More Apple-ish cell cursor
Summary CSS3: More Apple-ish cell cursor
Lars Næsbye Christensen
Reported 2007-09-29 16:04:16 PDT
The current image for the CSS 3 'cell' cursor selector (which I submitted) is nice, but the one included in, f.ex. Numbers is more stylistically coherent.
Replaces the cell cursor image with a more Mac-like one (895 bytes, patch)
2007-09-29 16:45 PDT, Lars Næsbye Christensen
eric: review+
Lars Næsbye Christensen
Comment 1 2007-09-29 16:45:31 PDT
Created attachment 16460 [details] Replaces the cell cursor image with a more Mac-like one
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 2 2007-09-29 18:22:30 PDT
Comment on attachment 16460 [details] Replaces the cell cursor image with a more Mac-like one I agree, this one looks better.
Mark Rowe (bdash)
Comment 3 2007-09-29 18:25:18 PDT
This needs to go on the feature-branch.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 4 2007-10-07 00:49:54 PDT
Landed on feature-branch as r26093. (Just clearing out the review queue. I figured lars wouldn't mind.)
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