CSS active link color improperly applied to ALL text on page.
Summary CSS active link color improperly applied to ALL text on page.
Adam Williams
Reported 2007-09-27 20:12:41 PDT
When clicking anywhere on page the active link color is actually applied to ALL text on page and not just links. This behavior is observed in firefox and Camino 1.5.1 too. I have looked over code myself and BBedit doesn't report any code errors and also want to note this did not occur in earlier versions of Safari, in fact it didn't even used to occur in firefox which leads me to believe the problem could actually be some recent change in OS since it seems to be happening in all browsers? Not sure so I let you experts figure it out :)
Mark Rowe (bdash)
Comment 1 2007-09-28 06:47:02 PDT
> :active { color: #990070 } That is why. You probably want a:active. You're right that this is a change in behaviour from Safari 2.0, but as it's a change to matching Firefox's behaviour, and that of the specification, I don't think this can be classed as a bug.
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