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display:table-row always shows as the first row irrespective of where its defined.
display:table-row always shows as the first row irrespective of where its def...
Anantha Keesara
2007-09-24 08:00:31 PDT
Please see the attached testcase. All three browsers(IE,FF,Safari) render different.
display:table-row always shows as the first row irrespective of where its defined.
(263 bytes, text/html)
2007-09-24 08:01 PDT
Anantha Keesara
no flags
Safari 15.6 matches with Chrome but differs from Firefox
(400.21 KB, image/png)
2022-07-25 16:49 PDT
Ahmad Saleem
no flags
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Anantha Keesara
Comment 1
2007-09-24 08:01:14 PDT
attachment 16368
display:table-row always shows as the first row irrespective of where its defined.
Robert Blaut
Comment 2
2008-03-09 13:56:59 PDT
In my opinion element with display:table-row shouldn't have influence on calculating parent element height like normal <tr> element so the case exposes bug in Webkit. Only Firefox displays it correctly. Opera also fails but differently.
Dave Hyatt
Comment 3
2008-03-09 14:01:49 PDT
The table is before the first div. This is clearly some kind of ordering bug. In addition in quirks mode we allow a table with no cells to have height (either from the row or the table specifying a height). However for CSS-anonymous tables we really should not support the quirk. So I see two bugs here.
Robert Blaut
Comment 4
2008-03-09 14:13:40 PDT
(In reply to
comment #3
> In addition in quirks mode we allow a table with no cells to have height > (either from the row or the table specifying a height). However for > CSS-anonymous tables we really should not support the quirk.
Dave, in strict mode the test case looks identical as in quirks mode:
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 5
2022-07-25 16:49:17 PDT
attachment 461205
Safari 15.6 matches with Chrome but differs from Firefox I am not sure on web-spec nor on expected result but as can be seen from attached screenshot - Safari matches with Chrome but differ from Firefox. Thanks!
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 6
2022-07-26 19:52:49 PDT
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