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onchange handler for select controls doesn't fire when changing via keyboard
onchange handler for select controls doesn't fire when changing via keyboard
Matt Perry
2007-06-20 16:47:37 PDT
I think the fix for 13857 causes this problem. Repro steps: 1. Load the above URL in Safari for Windows (it's the test case for 13857). 2. Focus the select control, then type "t" and hit Enter. 3. The selection changes, but no message is displayed. The onchange handler didn't fire. 4. If you change the selection with the mouse, or cause the popup to open, the onchange handler will fire. What's happening is that saveLastSelection(); is getting called before firing the onchange event, which actually saves the *current* selection (it changes immediately when you type "t"). Immediately after that, there's a check in menuListOnChange to see if the current selection is the same as the one we just saved, which of course it is. This doesn't happen in the mac port because there is platform-specific code guarded by ARROW_KEYS_POP_MENU that calls menuListOnChange before we get to the above code.
(2.82 KB, patch)
2007-06-20 17:47 PDT
Matt Perry
: review-
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patch without casts
(1.50 KB, patch)
2007-06-26 11:46 PDT
Matt Perry
: review+
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remake of above patch
(1.52 KB, patch)
2007-06-27 16:06 PDT
Matt Perry
: review+
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Matt Perry
Comment 1
2007-06-20 17:47:38 PDT
attachment 15151
patch No regression test needed. fast/forms/select-double-onchange.html was failing if ARROW_KEYS_POP_MENU = 0 in HTMLSelectElement.cpp (which it is on the Windows port). This patch fixes that.
Darin Adler
Comment 2
2007-06-21 23:49:45 PDT
Comment on
attachment 15151
patch Needs a layout test. We require tests for bug fixes like this one so they don't regress in the future. Fix itself looks pretty good, although the (size_t) casts don't see to be part of the fix (and so should be done separately).
Matt Perry
Comment 3
2007-06-22 11:10:43 PDT
I don't understand. This is a bug fix for a broken layout test (which only fails if ARROW_KEYS_POP_MENU = 0). fast/forms/select-double-onchange.html IS the layout test for this fix.
Darin Adler
Comment 4
2007-06-22 13:56:09 PDT
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attachment 15151
patch Oops, my mistake. Putting back up for review.
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 5
2007-06-26 00:34:43 PDT
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attachment 15151
patch Remove the (size_t) casts and I think we have a winner.
Matt Perry
Comment 6
2007-06-26 11:46:25 PDT
attachment 15253
patch without casts Same as above patch, but without the size_t casts.
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 7
2007-06-26 12:43:55 PDT
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attachment 15253
patch without casts r=me
Mark Rowe (bdash)
Comment 8
2007-06-26 22:12:14 PDT
Hrm, svn-apply claims the patch is invalid?
Matt Perry
Comment 9
2007-06-27 16:06:01 PDT
attachment 15281
remake of above patch This one should actually apply.
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 10
2007-06-27 20:53:40 PDT
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attachment 15281
remake of above patch r=me
Mark Rowe (bdash)
Comment 11
2007-06-27 23:19:19 PDT
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