Bug 13475 - 272 leaks for 12304 total leaked bytes at pcadvisor.co.uk
Summary: 272 leaks for 12304 total leaked bytes at pcadvisor.co.uk
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: WebCore Misc. (show other bugs)
Version: 419.x
Hardware: Mac OS X 10.4
: P2 Normal
Assignee: Nobody
URL: http://pcadvisor.co.uk
Keywords: InRadar, NeedsReduction
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-04-24 18:45 PDT by Vicki Murley
Modified: 2007-12-10 06:34 PST (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Vicki Murley 2007-04-24 18:45:24 PDT

4/24/07 5:59 PM Vicki Murley:
Load pcadvisor.co.uk, then run leaks. 

leaks output also attached.

Process 14527: 50432 nodes malloced for 17678 KB
Process 14527: 272 leaks for 12304 total leaked bytes.
Leak: 0x0183be00  size=2048	string 'MM'
Leak: 0x01934600  size=1024	string 'DRHT'
Leak: 0x0215a460  size=256	
	0x90957688 0x90957b20 0x00000000 0x00000000 	.v.. {..........
	0x00000000 0xa0910e80 0x00000000 0x01000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000103 0x00000000 	................
	0x00bdbf3f 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	?...............
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x02179e10  size=256	
	0x90957688 0x90957b20 0x00000000 0x00000000 	.v.. {..........
	0x00000000 0xa0910e80 0x00000000 0x01000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000103 0x00000000 	................
	0x00bdbf3f 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	?...............
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0de4a9b0  size=256	
	0x90957688 0x90957b20 0x00000000 0x00000000 	.v.. {..........
	0x00000000 0xa0910e80 0x00000000 0x01000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000303 0x00000000 	................
	0x00bdbfef 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0217ed80  size=256	
	0x90957688 0x90957b20 0x00000000 0x00000000 	.v.. {..........
	0x00000000 0xa0910e80 0x00000000 0x01000000 	................
	0x9380e200 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000303 0x00000000 	................
	0x00bdbfef 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0de3d820  size=192	
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f11cc 	................
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f124c 0xa18f121c 	........L.......
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f122c 0xa18f11bc 	........,.......
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f120c 	................
	0xa18f11dc 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 	................
	0xa18f12bc 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f123c 0x00000000 	........<.......
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0xa18f11ac 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de47c80 0x021a3d10 0x00000000 	.....|...=......
Leak: 0x0de14ad0  size=192	
	0x0de0c640 0xa1b1c1d3 0x0de18b60 0x0de18bb0 	@.......`.......
	0x0de18bd0 0x0de18c10 0x021da8f0 0x021da920 	............ ...
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 	................
	0x021da960 0xa1b1c1d3 0x0de22850 0xa1b1c1d3 	`.......P(......
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 	................
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0x0de0c650 	............P...
	0x00000000 0x0de18b80 0x0de0c660 0x0de18bf0 	........`.......
	0x021da8c0 0x021da910 0x021da940 0x00000000 	........@.......
Leak: 0x0de03cd0  size=144	
	0x0de03b90 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000001 	.;..............
	0x00000008 0x00000018 0x00000003 0x52474220 	............ BGR
	0x02111d60 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	`...............
	0x00000000 0x00000014 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000001 	................
	0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x021cecb0  size=128	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00018480 0x0de64090 0x00000001 	 ........@......
	0x000002ad 0x00000008 0x00000018 0x00000010 	................
	0x52474220 0x0de2ea20 0x00000000 0x00000000 	 BGR ...........
	0x021ed790 0x0de5c400 0x021eccc0 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000032 0x00000000 	........2.......
	0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x000002ad 	................
	0x00000001 0x000002ad 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0003fbe0 0x00080000 	................
Leak: 0x0de10390  size=128	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00018480 0x0de03b90 0x00000001 	 ........;......
	0x00000001 0x00000008 0x00000018 0x00000003 	................
	0x52474220 0x02111d60 0x00000000 0x00000000 	 BGR`...........
	0x00000000 0x0de10410 0x00000000 0xffffffff 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000030 0x00000000 	........0.......
	0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000001 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0de03cd0 0x918f7303 	.........<...s..
	0x918f72d3 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 	.r..............
Leak: 0x0de236b0  size=128	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00018480 0x0de50c80 0x000000d1 	 ...............
	0x0000015b 0x00000008 0x00000018 0x00000280 	[...............
	0x52474220 0x02111d60 0x00000000 0x00000000 	 BGR`...........
	0x0de79510 0x0de54aa0 0x0de79580 0x00000000 	.....J..........
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000032 0x00000000 	........2.......
	0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x0000015b 	............[...
	0x00000001 0x0000015b 0x00000000 0x00000000 	....[...........
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00080101 	................
Leak: 0x0de2c3b0  size=128	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00018480 0x0de255c0 0x00000084 	 ........U......
	0x000000e9 0x00000008 0x00000020 0x00000240 	........ ...@...
	0x52474220 0x0de2ac20 0x00000003 0x00000000 	 BGR ...........
	0x021ece40 0x0de228c0 0x0de71e00 0x00000000 	@....(..........
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000032 0x00000000 	........2.......
	0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x000000e9 	................
	0x00000001 0x000000e9 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0de2ce20 0x00080000 	........ .......
Leak: 0x021f97d0  size=112	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x78657463 0x6d782f74 	`b......ctext/xm
	0x70612c6c 0x63696c70 0x6f697461 0x6d782f6e 	l,application/xm
	0x70612c6c 0x63696c70 0x6f697461 0x68782f6e 	l,application/xh
	0x2b6c6d74 0x2c6c6d78 0x74786574 0x6d74682f 	tml+xml,text/htm
	0x3d713b6c 0x2c392e30 0x74786574 0x616c702f 	l;q=0.9,text/pla
	0x713b6e69 0x382e303d 0x616d692c 0x702f6567 	in;q=0.8,image/p
	0x2a2c676e 0x713b2a2f 0x352e303d 0x00072b00 	ng,*/*;q=0.5.+..
Leak: 0x021f3b70  size=112	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x7a6f4d60 0x616c6c69 	`b......`Mozilla
	0x302e352f 0x614d2820 0x746e6963 0x3b68736f 	/5.0 (Macintosh;
	0x203b5520 0x65746e49 0x614d206c 0x534f2063 	 U; Intel Mac OS
	0x203b5820 0x20296e65 0x6c707041 0x62655765 	 X; en) AppleWeb
	0x2f74694b 0x2b323235 0x484b2820 0x2c4c4d54 	Kit/522+ (KHTML,
	0x6b696c20 0x65472065 0x296f6b63 0x66615320 	 like Gecko) Saf
	0x2f697261 0x2e393134 0x00000033 0x00070000 	ari/419.3.......
Leak: 0x0de220c0  size=96	
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f11cc 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f122c 	............,...
	0xa18f120c 0xa18f121c 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 	................
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f12bc 0x00000000 	................
	0xa18f11ac 0x00000000 0x0de4e7b0 0x02113850 	............P8..
	0x0de1f970 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	p...............
	0x00000000 0x0de677a0 0x0de2e2e0 0x0006c1d3 	.....w..........
Leak: 0x0de33020  size=96	instance of 'InterlaceType'	
	0xa18f0c2c 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 	,...............
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f0bec 0xa18f0c3c 	............<...
	0xa18f0c1c 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f0c0c 0x0210cf00 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de40c40 0x021c36b0 0x0de54d80 	....@....6...M..
	0x00000000 0x02177bd0 0x6361632e 0x00066568 	.....{...cache..
Leak: 0x0de6a3b0  size=96	instance of 'LSDownloadCorrectedMIMETypeKey'	
	0xa188acb0 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa188ab40 0xa25e2224 	........@...$"^.
	0xa25e2234 0xa188acd0 0xa188acf0 0xa188ace0 	4"^.............
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0x0de0c310 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de2aa60 0x0de0c2f0 0x0de0c310 	....`...........
	0x0210cf00 0x0216c090 0xa188a980 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00060000 	................
Leak: 0x0de79580  size=96	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00027b80 0x00000060 0x000000d1 	 ....{..`.......
	0x0000015b 0x00000008 0x00000018 0x00000280 	[...............
	0x02111d60 0x00000000 0x0de79540 0x00000000 	`.......@.......
	0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x021f5a00  size=80	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x74746837 0x2f2f3a70 	`b......7http://
	0x6867696e 0x2e796c74 0x6b626577 0x6f2e7469 	nightly.webkit.o
	0x732f6772 0x74726174 0x75633f2f 0x6e657272 	rg/start/?curren
	0x65722d74 0x69736976 0x323d6e6f 0x39353031 	t-revision=21059
	0x636e6100 0x74682e65 0x00006c6d 0x00050000 	.ance.html......
Leak: 0x0de0c5b0  size=80	instance of 'NSHTTPURLResponseInternal'	
	0xa2601540 0x000000c8 0x0de22890 0xadf19fa1 	@.`......(......
	0x41a7bd9f 0xadda22d5 0x41a7bd9f 0x00000000 	...A.".....A....
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x01010001 	................
	0x00000101 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0213d8d0  size=80	instance of 'NSCFArray'	
	0x02103ad0 0x00010484 0x0000000f 0x021417c0 	.:..............
	0x02141ea0 0x021453c0 0x02141570 0x02141580 	.....S..p.......
	0x02140b10 0x02140b20 0x02140b30 0x02140b40 	.... ...0...@...
	0x02140b50 0x02140b60 0x02140a90 0x02140aa0 	P...`...........
	0x02140ac0 0x02140ae0 0x00000000 0x0213d8c0 	................
Leak: 0x0de1ae10  size=64	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x74746831 0x2f2f3a70 	`b......1http://
	0x6867696e 0x2e796c74 0x6b626577 0x6f2e7469 	nightly.webkit.o
	0x732f6772 0x74726174 0x616d692f 0x2f736567 	rg/start/images/
	0x64616568 0x702e7265 0xa100676e 0xa1b1c1d3 	header.png......
Leak: 0x0de79540  size=64	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00017a80 0x00000000 0x0de79510 	 ....z..........
	0x00036380 0x903dd31a 0x00000000 0x00000000 	.c....=.........
	0x903d208d 0x00000001 0x0de0de70 0x00000000 	. =.....p.......
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0e12caf0  size=48	
	0x0e12ba20 0x0e12bb80 0xa1b1c1d3 0x0de28fd0 	 ...............
	0xa1b1c1d3 0x0e12cd30 0x0e12ce40 0x00000000 	....0...@.......
	0x0e12cda0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0e12cac0  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000003 0x00000004 	.:..............
	0x00000005 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0e12caf0 0x0e12cb04 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0e12ca70  size=48	instance of 'NSURLRequestInternal'	
	0xa2601480 0x0e12cca0 0x00000000 0x00000000 	..`.............
	0x404e0000 0x0e12ccf0 0x00000000 0x0e12caa0 	..N@............
	0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0de79510  size=48	instance of 'NSCFData'	
	0x02103680 0x00020580 0x00036380 0x00036380 	.6.......c...c..
	0x021a22a0 0x0e010040 0x00000284 0x00000002 	."..@...........
	0x7fffffff 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0de79410  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000001 0x00000004 	.:..............
	0x00000005 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de78a50 0x0de78a64 0x3e800000 	....P...d......>
Leak: 0x0de78a50  size=48	
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f125c 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 	....\...........
	0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x0de79440 0x00000000 	........@.......
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 	................
Leak: 0x0de75b50  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000001 0x00000004 	.:..............
	0x00000005 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de75b80 0x0de75b94 0xfeffffff 	.....[...[......
Leak: 0x0de724f0  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000001 0x00000004 	.:..............
	0x00000005 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x021ece10 0x021ece24 0x00000002 	........$.......
Leak: 0x0de72120  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000001 0x00000004 	.:..............
	0x00000005 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de71d40 0x0de71d54 0x00030000 	....@...T.......
Leak: 0x0de71d40  size=48	
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f125c 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 	....\...........
	0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x021ec2b0 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x01965800 0x01965800 	.........X...X..
Leak: 0x0de6a910  size=48	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00018280 0x0de2ec00 0x00000001 	 ...............
	0x00000001 0x00000000 0xa18edc80 0x00000000 	................
	0x021ed6e0 0x021f9460 0x00000000 0x00030000 	....`...........
Leak: 0x0de54aa0  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000005 0x00000008 	.:..............
	0x0000000b 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de220c0 0x0de220ec 0x00030000 	..... ... ......
Leak: 0x0de4e840  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000001 0x00000004 	.:..............
	0x00000005 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de40c50 0x0de40c64 0x00030000 	....P...d.......
Leak: 0x0de42150  size=48	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00018280 0x021fc5c0 0x00000001 	 ...............
	0x00000001 0x00000000 0xa18edc80 0x00000000 	................
	0x0213f140 0x0de65030 0x00000000 0x00030000 	@...0P..........
Leak: 0x0de40c50  size=48	
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f0c4c 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 	....L...........
	0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0xa080688c 0x00000000 	.........h......
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0de40c90 0x0de0d110 	................
Leak: 0x0de3e1d0  size=48	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00018280 0x0de49a10 0x00000001 	 ...............
	0x00000001 0x00000000 0xa18ee4e0 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x021f0490 0x0001b7f3 0x00031096 	................
Leak: 0x0de38b50  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000002 0x00000004 	.:..............
	0x00000005 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de2a290 0x0de2a2a4 0x3f800000 	...............?
Leak: 0x0de37990  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000005 0x00000008 	.:..............
	0x0000000b 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de33020 0x0de3304c 0x00030000 	.... 0..L0......
Leak: 0x0de2c100  size=48	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00018280 0x0de3fcf0 0x00000001 	 ...............
	0x00000001 0x00000000 0xa18edc80 0x00000000 	................
	0x0de72120 0x0de6de40 0x00000000 0x00030000 	 !..@...........
Leak: 0x0de2a650  size=48	
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x41500000 	..............PA
	0xc0400000 0x00000000 0x41500000 0xa02290e0 	..@.......PA..".
	0x00000000 0x021fffa0 0x9a5f088c 0x00030000 	.........._.....
Leak: 0x0de2a290  size=48	
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f125c 0xa18f12ec 0xa1b1c1d3 	....\...........
	0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x0de38b80 0x0de4e840 	............@...
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x41a89ff2 0xfa000000 	...........A....
Leak: 0x0de22b40  size=48	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00018280 0x0de57e80 0x00000001 	 ........~......
	0x00000001 0x00000000 0xa18edc80 0x00000000 	................
	0x0de79410 0x021f8320 0x00000000 0x00030000 	.... ...........
Leak: 0x0de228c0  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000009 0x00000011 	.:..............
	0x00000017 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de3d820 0x0de3d87c 0x00030000 	.... ...|.......
Leak: 0x0de22890  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000009 0x00000011 	.:..............
	0x00000017 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de14ad0 0x0de14b2c 0x006f0073 	.....J..,K..s.o.
Leak: 0x0de1ae50  size=48	instance of 'NSURLResponseInternal'	
	0xa26015c0 0x0de0c2f0 0x0de0c310 0x00000000 	..`.............
	0x00007733 0x00000000 0x4ee88334 0x41a8370e 	3w......4..N.7.A
	0x00000000 0x021cdf80 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0de18b80  size=48	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x7568541d 0x3931202c 	`b.......Thu, 19
	0x6e614a20 0x30303220 0x30312036 0x3a31353a 	 Jan 2006 10:51:
	0x47203931 0x0d00544d 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 	19 GMT..........
Leak: 0x0de15ab0  size=48	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00018280 0x0de3d3a0 0x00000001 	 ...............
	0x00000001 0x00000000 0xa18ee4e0 0x00000000 	................
	0x0de38b50 0x0de3caa0 0x00000101 0x00030000 	P...............
Leak: 0x0de12a00  size=48	
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x41500000 	..............PA
	0xc0400000 0x00000000 0x41500000 0xa02290e0 	..@.......PA..".
	0x00000000 0x02020202 0x02020202 0x00030202 	................
Leak: 0x0de129b0  size=48	
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x41500000 	..............PA
	0xc0400000 0x00000000 0x41500000 0xa02290e0 	..@.......PA..".
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0de11e60  size=48	
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f11cc 0xa18f121c 0xa18f120c 	................
	0xa18f122c 0x00000000 0xa18f11ac 0x02110e50 	,...........P...
	0x02113850 0x02110e50 0x00000000 0x00010000 	P8..P...........
Leak: 0x0de11e30  size=48	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00028180 0xffffffff 0x0de51d90 	 ...............
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000023 	............#...
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0de11ed0 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0de11e00  size=48	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00018280 0x0de11e30 0x00000001 	 .......0.......
	0x00000001 0x00000000 0xa18ee4e0 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de12460 0x00000000 0x00000000 	....`$..........
Leak: 0x0de115d0  size=48	
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x41500000 	..............PA
	0xc0400000 0x00000000 0x41500000 0xa02290e0 	..@.......PA..".
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0de10410  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000004 0x00000004 	.:..............
	0x00000005 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de11e60 0x0de11e74 0x00000000 	....`...t.......
Leak: 0x0de0de40  size=48	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00018280 0x0de5b5b0 0x00000001 	 ...............
	0x00000001 0x00000000 0xa18edc80 0x00000000 	................
	0x0de75b50 0x0de57c00 0x00000000 0x00030000 	P[...|..........
Leak: 0x021ed760  size=48	
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f125c 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 	....\...........
	0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x021ee6f0 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00030000 	................
Leak: 0x021ed6e0  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000001 0x00000004 	.:..............
	0x00000005 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x021ed760 0x021ed774 0x00030000 	....`...t.......
Leak: 0x021da8c0  size=48	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x6575541d 0x3432202c 	`b.......Tue, 24
	0x72704120 0x30303220 0x33322037 0x3a32353a 	 Apr 2007 23:52:
	0x47203435 0x0000544d 0x0de18430 0x00000000 	54 GMT..0.......
Leak: 0x021cef60  size=48	instance of 'NSURLRequestInternal'	
	0xa2601480 0x021cb820 0x00000000 0x00000000 	..`. ...........
	0x404e0000 0x021f6890 0x00000000 0x021f64d0 	..N@.h.......d..
	0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x021cdf80  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000007 0x00000008 	.:..............
	0x0000000b 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x0de6a3b0 0x0de6a3dc 0x00030000 	................
Leak: 0x021cb6a0  size=48	
	0x021f69c0 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 0x021cb6d0 	.i..............
	0xa1b1c1d3 0x021f3b70 0x00000000 0x00000000 	....p;..........
	0x021f97d0 0x00000000 0x021b8290 0x30340000 	..............40
Leak: 0x021c8470  size=48	instance of 'NSURLRequestInternal'	
	0xa2601480 0x021f7eb0 0x00000000 0x00000000 	..`..~..........
	0x404e0000 0x021f7fd0 0x00000000 0x021f7d40 	..N@........@}..
	0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x021c2d70  size=48	
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x41500000 	..............PA
	0xc0400000 0x00000000 0x41500000 0xa02290e0 	..@.......PA..".
	0x00000000 0x02020202 0x02020202 0x02020202 	................
Leak: 0x021c2ba0  size=48	
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x41500000 	..............PA
	0xc0400000 0x00000000 0x41500000 0xa0229118 	..@.......PA..".
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x021be3f0  size=48	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00018280 0x0de3cfb0 0x00000001 	 ...............
	0x00000001 0x00000000 0xa18edc80 0x00000000 	................
	0x0de724f0 0x021ef930 0x00000000 0x00030000 	.$..0...........
Leak: 0x021b8490  size=48	
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x41500000 	..............PA
	0xc0400000 0x00000000 0x41500000 0xa02290e0 	..@.......PA..".
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x021ad9f0  size=48	instance of 'NSURLResponseInternal'	
	0xa26015c0 0x021feb90 0x02178730 0x00000000 	..`.....0.......
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x4ce8d2c3 0x41a80da1 	...........L...A
	0x021f9870 0x021f8bc0 0x00000000 0x00000000 	p...............
Leak: 0x021a37d0  size=48	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00018280 0x021a46c0 0x00000001 	 ........F......
	0x00000001 0x00000000 0xa18ed720 0x00000000 	........ .......
	0x00000000 0x021a3cd0 0x02187b90 0x00030000 	.....<...{......
Leak: 0x0217d650  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000002 0x00000004 	.:..............
	0x00000005 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x021cb6a0 0x021cb6b4 0x6f697369 	............isio
Leak: 0x0213f140  size=48	instance of 'NSCFDictionary'	
	0x02103aa0 0x00010395 0x00000001 0x00000004 	.:..............
	0x00000005 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x021358e0 0x021358f4 0x00030000 	.....X...X......
Leak: 0x021358e0  size=48	
	0xa1b1c1d3 0xa18f125c 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 	....\...........
	0xa1b1c1d3 0x00000000 0x021ed7c0 0x00000000 	................
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x01000000 0x0003cd01 	................
Leak: 0x02104630  size=48	string '/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari'
Leak: 0x02176390  size=32	instance of 'WebScriptObjectPrivate'	
	0x0153d6c0 0x0daf0000 0x0ab6c730 0x0ab6c730 	..S.....0...0...
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x02171d20  size=32	instance of 'NSCFData'	
	0x02103680 0x00010584 0x000004ba 0x00000800 	.6..............
	0x00000000 0x01940400 0x00000000 0x00020000 	................
Leak: 0x021f9870  size=32	instance of 'NSCalendarDate'	
	0xa25ff540 0x00000000 0x9c000000 0x41a7bdb7 	@._............A
	0x021a9650 0xa25df310 0x00000000 0x00000000 	P.....].........
Leak: 0x021f7d40  size=32	instance of 'NSHTTPURLRequestParameters'	
	0xa26013c0 0x0217a930 0x021e5390 0x00000000 	..`.0....S......
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000101 	................
Leak: 0x021f71e0  size=32	string ' '
Leak: 0x021f69c0  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x6573550a 0x67412d72 	`b.......User-Ag
	0x00746e65 0xa25df310 0x00000000 0x00020000 	ent...].........
Leak: 0x021f6890  size=32	instance of 'NSURL'	
	0x021016a0 0x00011380 0x000f4000 0x021f5a00 	.........@...Z..
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x08000100 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x021f64d0  size=32	instance of 'NSHTTPURLRequestParameters'	
	0xa26013c0 0x021d5d40 0x0217d650 0x00000000 	..`.@]..P.......
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000101 	................
Leak: 0x0de2aa60  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x000107ad 0x0de64540 0x0000000a 	`b......@E......
	0x00000010 0x8000000a 0x00000000 0x00020000 	................
Leak: 0x0de536a0  size=32	instance of 'NSConcreteMutableData'	
	0xa25fe240 0x00000000 0x0000007e 0x000000c0 	@._.....~.......
	0x0de8d310 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0de47750  size=32	string ' '
Leak: 0x02136010  size=32	instance of 'NSConcreteMutableData'	
	0xa25fe240 0x00000000 0x00007733 0x0000a000 	@._.....3w......
	0x0ddd0000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0de22870  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x616d6909 0x702f6567 	`b.......image/p
	0x0000676e 0x0061006f 0x00500064 0x0075006c 	ng..o.a.d.P.l.u.
Leak: 0x0de22850  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x6e6f430c 0x746e6574 	`b.......Content
	0x7079542d 0x00490065 0x0073006e 0x0053002f 	-Type.I.n.s./.S.
Leak: 0x0de22830  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x31352216 0x62653030 	`b......."5100eb
	0x3337372d 0x31662d33 0x37646363 0x00223063 	-7733-f1ccd7c0".
Leak: 0x0de42400  size=32	string ' '
Leak: 0x02140ac0  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x5f687a07 0x746e6148 	`b.......zh_Hant
	0x77656e00 0x73722f73 0x61656873 0x6e696c64 	.news/rssheadlin
Leak: 0x02140aa0  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x5f687a07 0x736e6148 	`b.......zh_Hans
	0x2e777700 0x68736177 0x74676e69 0x6f706e6f 	.ww.washingtonpo
Leak: 0x021537c0  size=32	
	0x00000000 0x00000004 0x00000007 0x00000012 	................
	0x00000019 0x00000018 0x00000000 0x00020000 	................
Leak: 0x021da940  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x6d697412 0x74756f65 	`b.......timeout
	0x2c30313d 0x78616d20 0x0037393d 0x006c0050 	=10, max=97.P.l.
Leak: 0x021da920  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x65654b0a 0x6c412d70 	`b.......Keep-Al
	0x00657669 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000 	ive.............
Leak: 0x021da8f0  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x6e6f430e 0x746e6574 	`b.......Content
	0x6e654c2d 0x00687467 0x021ca390 0x00000000 	-Length.........
Leak: 0x0de60600  size=32	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de18bf0  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x65654b0a 0x6c412d70 	`b.......Keep-Al
	0x00657669 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	ive.............
Leak: 0x0de18bd0  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x6e6f430a 0x7463656e 	`b.......Connect
	0x006e6f69 0xa080688c 0x00000000 0x00000000 	ion..h..........
Leak: 0x0de18bb0  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x6363410d 0x2d747065 	`b.......Accept-
	0x676e6152 0x00007365 0x00000000 0x00000000 	Ranges..........
Leak: 0x0de18b60  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x73614c0d 0x6f4d2d74 	`b.......Last-Mo
	0x69666964 0xa1006465 0xa1b1c1d3 0xa1b1c1d3 	dified..........
Leak: 0x0e12caa0  size=32	instance of 'NSHTTPURLRequestParameters'	
	0xa26013c0 0x0217ba50 0x0e12cac0 0x00000000 	..`.P...........
	0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000101 	................
Leak: 0x0de12550  size=32	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de0c310  size=32	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0003078c 0x616d6909 0x702f6567 	`b.......image/p
	0x0000676e 0x0de0c6a0 0x0de0c390 0x0002c270 	ng..........p...
Leak: 0x0de0c2f0  size=32	instance of 'NSURL'	
	0x021016a0 0x00021380 0x003fe229 0x0de1ae10 	........).?.....
	0x00000000 0x021537c0 0x08000100 0x00000000 	.....7..........
Leak: 0x021a48a0  size=32	instance of 'NSCFData'	
	0x02103680 0x00010584 0x000004ba 0x00000800 	.6..............
	0x00000000 0x0183be00 0x0005011b 0x00000001 	................
Leak: 0x021a4780  size=32	string ' '
Leak: 0x021a37b0  size=32	instance of 'NSConcreteData'	
	0xa25fe2c0 0x00000002 0x000003f8 0x000003f8 	.._.............
	0x01872600 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	.&..............
Leak: 0x0de33c60  size=32	
	0x001a80e0 0x00000019 0x0daf0000 0x0ab6c730 	............0...
	0x0ab6c730 0x00000000 0x08000100 0x00020000 	0...............
Leak: 0x0de5a810  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de5a290  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de59fd0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0214bcc0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0214b8c0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de552a0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de55290  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de55250  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de54e20  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de54d80  size=16	instance of 'NSCFNumber'	
	0x02103740 0x00010a83 0x00000b13 0x00010001 	@7..............
Leak: 0x0de54c10  size=16	instance of 'NSHTTPURLResponse'	
	0xa2601500 0x021ad9f0 0x021c4b10 0x00000000 	..`......K......
Leak: 0x0de545f0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de52c30  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de52bf0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de52be0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de4e7b0  size=16	instance of 'NSCFNumber'	
	0x02103740 0x00010a83 0x0000015b 0x63690002 	@7......[.....ic
Leak: 0x0de4e4d0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de4e4c0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de4e3c0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de4dca0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de4d5e0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de4d4b0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de4d4a0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de4ad50  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de4abe0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de4a4c0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de4a4b0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de44830  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de40690  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de3f2d0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de3f080  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de3ce50  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de3ce40  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de3caa0  size=16	instance of 'NSCFArray'	
	0x02103ad0 0x00010486 0x00000001 0x0de47750 	.:..........Pw..
Leak: 0x0de38b80  size=16	instance of 'NSCFNumber'	
	0x02103740 0x00010a83 0x0000002b 0x00010001 	@7......+.......
Leak: 0x021453c0  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x00726602 0x00010001 	`b.......fr.....
Leak: 0x0de35670  size=16	instance of 'NSCFNumber'	
	0x02103740 0x00010a83 0x000000e9 0x00010001 	@7..............
Leak: 0x0de2ed70  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de2ccd0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de2ccc0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de2cc60  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de2cc50  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de2ca20  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de2ca10  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de2ca00  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de2c8d0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de2c8c0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de2c300  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de2bfe0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de2bfd0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de2bbf0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x02142470  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x02142460  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x02141ea0  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x00616a02 0x00010001 	`b.......ja.....
Leak: 0x021417c0  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x006e6502 0x00010001 	`b.......en.....
Leak: 0x02141580  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x00736502 0x00010001 	`b.......es.....
Leak: 0x02141570  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x00656402 0x02140002 	`b.......de.....
Leak: 0x02140b60  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x00696602 0x00010001 	`b.......fi.....
Leak: 0x02140b50  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x00616402 0x02140002 	`b.......da.....
Leak: 0x02140b40  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x00626e02 0xa1b10003 	`b.......nb.....
Leak: 0x02140b30  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x00767302 0xa0800004 	`b.......sv.....
Leak: 0x02140b20  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x006c6e02 0x00000005 	`b.......nl.....
Leak: 0x02140b10  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x00746902 0x00000006 	`b.......it.....
Leak: 0x02140ae0  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x006f6b02 0x00010001 	`b.......ko.....
Leak: 0x02140a90  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x00747002 0x00000006 	`b.......pt.....
Leak: 0x0de1f970  size=16	instance of 'NSCFNumber'	
	0x02103740 0x00010a83 0x000000d1 0x00010001 	@7..............
Leak: 0x0de18c10  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x74614404 0x00010065 	`b.......Date...
Leak: 0x0de12460  size=16	instance of 'NSCFArray'	
	0x02103ad0 0x00010486 0x00000001 0x0de12550 	.:..........P%..
Leak: 0x0213c880  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de0de70  size=16	
	0x00000000 0x00000280 0x0de50c80 0x00000000 	................
Leak: 0x0de0c660  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x74796205 0x00007365 	`b.......bytes..
Leak: 0x0de0c650  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x61704106 0x00656863 	`b.......Apache.
Leak: 0x0de0c640  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x72655306 0x00726576 	`b.......Server.
Leak: 0x0de0bc00  size=16	instance of 'NSHTTPURLResponse'	
	0xa2601500 0x0de1ae50 0x0de0c5b0 0x00000000 	..`.P...........
Leak: 0x0de08210  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de03b90  size=16	instance of 'NSCFType'	
	0xa080ed20 0x00028380 0x0de11e30 0x00000022 	 .......0..."...
Leak: 0x021feec0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021379f0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021f9460  size=16	instance of 'NSCFArray'	
	0x02103ad0 0x00010486 0x00000001 0x0de60600 	.:..............
Leak: 0x021f8320  size=16	instance of 'NSCFArray'	
	0x02103ad0 0x00010486 0x00000001 0x0de42400 	.:...........$..
Leak: 0x02137030  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021ef930  size=16	instance of 'NSCFArray'	
	0x02103ad0 0x00010486 0x00000001 0x021f71e0 	.:...........q..
Leak: 0x021ee6f0  size=16	instance of 'NSCFNumber'	
	0x02103740 0x00010a83 0x000003aa 0x00010001 	@7..............
Leak: 0x021ed7c0  size=16	instance of 'NSCFNumber'	
	0x02103740 0x00010a83 0x00007733 0x00010001 	@7......3w......
Leak: 0x021ec2b0  size=16	instance of 'NSCFNumber'	
	0x02103740 0x00010a83 0x00000da4 0x00010001 	@7..............
Leak: 0x021da910  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x35303305 0x00003531 	`b.......30515..
Leak: 0x021da340  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021d5050  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021cd9f0  size=16	instance of 'NSMutableURLRequest'	
	0xa2601400 0x021cef60 0x00000000 0x00000000 	..`.`...........
Leak: 0x021cc8e0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021cc8d0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021cb720  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021cb6d0  size=16	instance of 'NSCFString'	
	0xa0806260 0x0001078c 0x63634106 0x00747065 	`b.......Accept.
Leak: 0x021c8d70  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021c82b0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021c7830  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021c6550  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021c6530  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021c5170  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021c5160  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021c5150  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021c5140  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021c4e00  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021c4df0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021c4750  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021c4740  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021c4730  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021c0a70  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021bec60  size=16	instance of 'NSMutableURLRequest'	
	0xa2601400 0x021c8470 0x00000000 0x00000000 	..`.p...........
Leak: 0x021aae90  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021a3d10  size=16	instance of 'NSCFNumber'	
	0x02103740 0x00010a83 0x00000084 0x00010001 	@7..............
Leak: 0x021a3cd0  size=16	instance of 'NSCFArray'	
	0x02103ad0 0x00010486 0x00000001 0x021a4780 	.:...........G..
Leak: 0x021a0320  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0211a6e0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x021811d0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x02181120  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0217f310  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0217aa60  size=16	instance of 'WebScriptObject'	
	0x0153d680 0x02176390 0x00000000 0x00000000 	..S..c..........
Leak: 0x021705f0  size=16	instance of 'WebEditorUndoTarget'	
	0x003c1480 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 	..<.............
Leak: 0x0216e560  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0216db30  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0216d570  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0216c8c0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0216c610  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0216c5d0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0216c590  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0216c400  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0dec89f0  size=16	instance of 'NSMutableURLRequest'	
	0xa2601400 0x0e12ca70 0x00000000 0x00000000 	..`.p...........
Leak: 0x0215a640  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0dea65b0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de79440  size=16	instance of 'NSCFNumber'	
	0x02103740 0x00010a83 0x00004696 0x00010001 	@7.......F......
Leak: 0x0de70660  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de70620  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de70610  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de6ed90  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de6de40  size=16	instance of 'NSCFArray'	
	0x02103ad0 0x00010486 0x00000001 0x0de3e5e0 	.:..............
Leak: 0x0de69b50  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de689e0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de681b0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de67590  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de67560  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de67270  size=16	instance of 'Logger'	
	0x000ea9c0 0x02131e60 0x00000000 0x00000000 	....`...........
Leak: 0x0de66e10  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de64cc0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de64620  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de64610  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de64600  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de645f0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de645e0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de645d0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de64540  size=16	string '
Leak: 0x0de62710  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de626b0  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de61460  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de61440  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de61430  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de61420  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de61410  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de61400  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de5e900  size=16	string ' '
Leak: 0x0de5b6a0  size=16	string ' '