[S60] [3.1m] "on timer" activation mode often fails
Summary [S60] [3.1m] "on timer" activation mode often fails
Joseph Ligman
Reported 2007-03-30 13:55:29 PDT
TSW BUG ID: JKRL-6ZMU35 [Statement] "On Timer" activation mode often failed. [Test environment] 3G/HSDPA [Description & Procedure] The "On Timer" activation mode often fails to launch the streaming client and so the streaming session is not opened. Launch the browser and connect to a wml page containing the "On timer" event addressing an RTSP URL, e.g.: (see TSW for description) Notice that the handset keeps displaying the "OnTimer" page without launching the streaming application. [Expected behavior] The handset correctly supports the "On Timer" activation mode as to open an RTSP URL made up of 512 chars. [Frequency or # of occurrences] 80% 000000000000000 Fully Reproducible
Modifies files WebKitLoader.cpp, BaseTransaction.h, HttpTransaction.cpp (6.01 KB, patch)
2007-03-30 14:35 PDT, Joseph Ligman
no flags
Modifies files WebKitLoader.cpp, BaseTransaction.h, HttpTransaction.cpp (6.01 KB, patch)
2007-03-30 14:36 PDT, Joseph Ligman
Sachin.Padma: review+
Setting status to KErrCancel causes problem (1.40 KB, patch)
2007-04-04 14:50 PDT, Joseph Ligman
Sachin.Padma: review+
Joseph Ligman
Comment 1 2007-03-30 14:35:17 PDT
Created attachment 13894 [details] Modifies files WebKitLoader.cpp, BaseTransaction.h, HttpTransaction.cpp When the request dispatcher does not define a loader no pending transaction will exist, so set this undefined status to KErrCancel so the callers don't wait indefinitely. Also, create, use, and close the download property string when it's needed to avoid closing the rstring after the string pool which it's using has somehow gone away.
Joseph Ligman
Comment 2 2007-03-30 14:36:23 PDT
Created attachment 13895 [details] Modifies files WebKitLoader.cpp, BaseTransaction.h, HttpTransaction.cpp When the request dispatcher does not define a loader no pending transaction will exist, so set this undefined status to KErrCancel so the callers don't wait indefinitely. Also, create, use, and close the download property string when it's needed to avoid closing the rstring after the string pool which it's using has somehow gone away.
Sachin Padma
Comment 3 2007-04-03 14:05:10 PDT
Comment on attachment 13895 [details] Modifies files WebKitLoader.cpp, BaseTransaction.h, HttpTransaction.cpp r=me
Sachin Padma
Comment 4 2007-04-03 14:08:59 PDT
landed in r20686 in ccb and r20687
Joseph Ligman
Comment 5 2007-04-04 14:38:38 PDT
Not fixed
Joseph Ligman
Comment 6 2007-04-04 14:50:34 PDT
Created attachment 13951 [details] Setting status to KErrCancel causes problem Setting status to KErrCancel when the request dispatcher does not define a loader causes a problem for the history stack, reverting to previous.
Sachin Padma
Comment 7 2007-04-05 13:05:45 PDT
Comment on attachment 13951 [details] Setting status to KErrCancel causes problem r=me
Sachin Padma
Comment 8 2007-04-05 13:13:58 PDT
landed in r20727 in 3.1m and r20726 in ccb
Bradley Morrison
Comment 9 2008-04-09 11:39:46 PDT
Bulk closing of all s60 platform bugs. Sorry for the noise!
Joel Parks
Comment 10 2011-03-21 11:53:19 PDT
re-purposing InTSW keyword for use by QtWebkit team
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