WebKit SVG has no support for displaying file metadata
Summary WebKit SVG has no support for displaying file metadata
Nicholas Shanks
Reported 2007-01-19 20:53:40 PST
It would be nice if i could right-click on an SVG and choose "Display Image Info…" or some such, and it would open a window with <dc:creator> and <cc:license> type information in a nice non-coder-readable layout.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 1 2007-01-31 05:16:43 PST
I improved the title. I would note, that Safari has no support for displaying raster image EXIF data, so why should it display SVG metadata? There are safari extensions which add that kind of support for EXIF, I would expect they'll eventually add support for SVG metadata too. Regardless, this is a Safari bug... so I think this needs to move to
David Kilzer (:ddkilzer)
Comment 2 2007-01-31 05:34:57 PST
Nick, use to report a Radar bug. (If you're not an ADC member, you may create a free "online" account using Please note this Bugzilla bug in Radar, and note the Radar bug number back here. Thanks!
Nicholas Shanks
Comment 3 2007-01-31 14:47:59 PST
I was thinking that, like the Element Inspector, this feature would be useful to all WebKit apps, not just Safari, so should go in here.
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