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REGRESSION: Incomplete repaint of floats' overflows
REGRESSION: Incomplete repaint of floats' overflows
2007-01-05 04:04:47 PST
See the attached test case. This is a regression from fixing
bug 5633
Test case
(430 bytes, text/html)
2007-01-05 04:05 PST
no flags
Another case (floats belong to a descendant of the moving object)
(981 bytes, text/html)
2007-01-05 05:06 PST
no flags
Assign painting of overflowing floats to the parent
(36.64 KB, patch)
2007-02-03 12:11 PST
no flags
Formatted Diff
Assign painting of overflowing floats to the parent
(37.42 KB, patch)
2007-02-03 15:59 PST
no flags
Formatted Diff
Assign painting of overflowing floats to the parent
(38.44 KB, patch)
2007-02-03 23:12 PST
: review-
Formatted Diff
Assign painting of overflowing floats to the parent
(45.40 KB, patch)
2007-02-08 03:46 PST
: review-
Formatted Diff
Unify floats with overflow
(601.19 KB, patch)
2007-02-09 12:32 PST
no flags
Formatted Diff
Unify floats with overflow
(635.37 KB, patch)
2007-02-12 15:19 PST
no flags
Formatted Diff
Unify floats with overflow
(654.03 KB, patch)
2007-02-13 01:50 PST
: review+
Formatted Diff
Unify floats with overflow
(656.33 KB, patch)
2007-02-18 07:52 PST
no flags
Formatted Diff
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Comment 1
2007-01-05 04:05:46 PST
attachment 12238
Test case
Comment 2
2007-01-05 05:06:20 PST
attachment 12239
Another case (floats belong to a descendant of the moving object)
Mark Rowe (bdash)
Comment 3
2007-01-28 19:11:29 PST
Comment 4
2007-02-03 12:11:35 PST
attachment 12902
Assign painting of overflowing floats to the parent
Comment 5
2007-02-03 15:08:10 PST
Comment on
attachment 12902
Assign painting of overflowing floats to the parent I'm seeing some problems with this patch (the same float being painted by two blocks). Investigating.
Comment 6
2007-02-03 15:59:51 PST
attachment 12904
Assign painting of overflowing floats to the parent
Comment 7
2007-02-03 16:23:28 PST
Comment on
attachment 12904
Assign painting of overflowing floats to the parent I have one more thing to fix, so don't review yet!
Comment 8
2007-02-03 23:12:25 PST
attachment 12907
Assign painting of overflowing floats to the parent
Dave Hyatt
Comment 9
2007-02-07 02:25:22 PST
Comment on
attachment 12907
Assign painting of overflowing floats to the parent This is a pretty significant change. I'm a little nervous about it.
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 10
2007-02-07 08:05:12 PST
We've gotta fix the bug somehow...
Comment 11
2007-02-07 08:42:04 PST
The idea of the patch is to use the floating objects list not only for a block's own floats and children/sibling overhanging floats but also for children's overflowing floats. The latter never affect the layout of the parent block, but having them in the list lets the parent include them in its repaint rects (without having to query the children) and repaint them (again, without having to drill down the subtree).
Dave Hyatt
Comment 12
2007-02-07 15:47:40 PST
Comment on
attachment 12907
Assign painting of overflowing floats to the parent Ok, I think conceptually this is good. I have a slight concern about performance in that you removed some hasOverhangingFloats() checks in favor of simply always walking the floating objects list. This means all the floats that don't overhang or overflow are being examined all the time now. Seems like you should rename repaintOverhangingFloats to repaintOverflowingFloats, since it now repaints both potentially. Please add flexible box tests for both the horizontal and vertical directions. Please add tests for inline blocks and inline tables.
Comment 13
2007-02-08 03:07:55 PST
Bug 9315
has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 14
2007-02-08 03:46:53 PST
attachment 13050
Assign painting of overflowing floats to the parent (In reply to
comment #12
> Seems like you should rename repaintOverhangingFloats to > repaintOverflowingFloats, since it now repaints both potentially.
> Please add flexible box tests for both the horizontal and vertical directions.
> Please add tests for inline blocks and inline tables.
Done. The inline block case is failing and I don't have a fix for it in this patch. The problem is that if I hand over the inline block's floats to the outer block then the painting order is wrong. I think the right way to fix the inline block case is to include the floats' overflow in the root line box's overflow, but I didn't want to do it in this patch (the simplest test case for this is broken in Safari 2, so it's not a regression).
Dave Hyatt
Comment 15
2007-02-08 21:34:34 PST
Comment on
attachment 13050
Assign painting of overflowing floats to the parent This code in RenderTable: + if (paintPhase == PaintPhaseFloat) + paintFloats(paintInfo, tx, ty, false); will (I believe) cause a regression when doing selection dragging, since the text inside the floats will no longer be painted as part of the selection. I believe that assigning overflowing floats inside table cells to be painted by the table will result in potential stacking order regressions if the floats overlap. Cells do not paint precisely in document order and yet that's what this float painting is going to do. I think now that a different approach is perhaps warranted here. The issue at hand seems to be that there are repaint issues with floats because of horizontal float "overflow". These sorts of repaint issues have already been solved with normal flow overflow. I think a much simpler solution that will avoid forcing tables and flexible boxes to worry about maintaining floating objects lists would be to incorporate horizontal spillage from float overflow into m_overflowLeft and m_overflowWidth. Vertical float spillage was traditionally not considered overflow simply because the next block could also contain the float. However, this is never the case with horizontal float spillage. I think you can treat horizontal float spillage as overflow out of any blocks that the float ends up intersecting, and you'll end up with a much simpler patch.
Comment 16
2007-02-09 12:32:31 PST
attachment 13090
Unify floats with overflow This patch takes a different approach, as suggested by Hyatt. It includes a change log, but the gist of it is to treat floats as any other overflow, while establishing that overflow is strictly visual (by removing the only case where overflow affects layout in WebKit, which is table cell's expand to encompass overflow behavior). Overhanging floats whose painting is propagated to an ancestor only factor into the overflow of the ancestor painting them. This is done by deferring the addition of floats to the overflow until a parent gets a chance to adopt overhanging floats. This can be changed, in the spirit of the previous patch, to have parents adopt also overflowing floats, but for now I've left things the way they are. Blocks that are not in a block formatting context (including table cells) always paint their own floats and therefore their floats are always added to their overflow.
Dave Hyatt
Comment 17
2007-02-12 02:45:32 PST
Can't you go further and just eliminate the floatRect() method? Won't it just return the same answer as overflowRect? It no longer seems necessary to me.
Comment 18
2007-02-12 02:56:05 PST
(In reply to
comment #17
> Can't you go further and just eliminate the floatRect() method? Won't it just > return the same answer as overflowRect? It no longer seems necessary to me. >
I'm using floatRect() to add the floats to the overflowRect (in the non-deferring cases). I guess I can make it protected (if it isn't already).
Comment 19
2007-02-12 14:53:13 PST
Comment on
attachment 13090
Unify floats with overflow Going to make one small change and add a test with float:right.
Comment 20
2007-02-12 15:19:36 PST
attachment 13143
Unify floats with overflow Added test for float:right and made floatRect() protected.
Dave Hyatt
Comment 21
2007-02-12 15:21:25 PST
Comment on
attachment 13143
Unify floats with overflow r=me Woo hoo.
Dave Hyatt
Comment 22
2007-02-12 15:21:27 PST
Comment on
attachment 13143
Unify floats with overflow r=me Woo hoo.
Mark Rowe (bdash)
Comment 23
2007-02-12 16:02:49 PST
Landed in
Mark Rowe (bdash)
Comment 24
2007-02-12 17:52:57 PST
I rolled this patch out in
as it had caused build failures, and when the obvious fix was applied I was seeing a hang in the layout tests.
Comment 25
2007-02-13 01:50:01 PST
attachment 13147
Unify floats with overflow Fixed the build error by leaving floatRect() public. The other change is that I made sure that table cells' vertical overflow is repainted, now that it can exist, and added a test for it. I think the layout test failures mentioned in
comment #24
are from a different patch (<
Dave Hyatt
Comment 26
2007-02-17 23:06:09 PST
Comment on
attachment 13147
Unify floats with overflow r=me
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 27
2007-02-18 07:11:34 PST
I tried to land this patch, but got a number of failures in tables/mozilla_expected_failures/marvin/table_overflow*, and also mozilla/bugs/
. Looks like the change to fast/text/text-shadow-extreme-value.html comes from another fix.
Comment 28
2007-02-18 07:52:39 PST
attachment 13226
Unify floats with overflow Updated the test results section and moved a star in RenderLayer.cpp :-)
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 29
2007-02-18 08:26:48 PST
Committed revision 19696.
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