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REGRESSION: No day/week scrollbar in Google Calendar
REGRESSION: No day/week scrollbar in Google Calendar
Matt Lilek
2006-12-26 12:01:19 PST
Load Google Calendar (until
bug 11982
is fixed, you'll need the
nightly). There are no scrollbars in the day, week, or next 4 days tabs even though the content scrolls with a trackpad/scrollwheel. After switching to the month or agenda tabs and back, the scrollbars are working properly. Scrollbars are fine in shipping Safari.
make sure overflow:auto scrollbars are enabled
(1.39 KB, patch)
2007-02-10 12:08 PST
Antti Koivisto
: review-
Formatted Diff
test case
(400 bytes, text/html)
2007-02-10 17:14 PST
Antti Koivisto
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proposed patch, testcase, etc.
Mark Rowe (bdash)
Comment 1
2007-01-28 19:06:37 PST
Antti Koivisto
Comment 2
2007-02-10 12:08:05 PST
attachment 13109
make sure overflow:auto scrollbars are enabled Google Calendar apparently dynamically turns overflow:scroll scrollbars into overflow:auto. If they were disabled at that point they would never be enabled
Sam Weinig
Comment 3
2007-02-10 15:37:35 PST
Antti, as far as I can tell it looks good, but it needs a test case.
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 4
2007-02-10 16:19:50 PST
Comment on
attachment 13109
make sure overflow:auto scrollbars are enabled Fix looks good to me. Just needs a test case for LayoutTests. r- for now, r=me if you add a test case.
Antti Koivisto
Comment 5
2007-02-10 17:14:47 PST
attachment 13112
test case Interestingly this test case fails also in tiger webkit. Since this bug depends on layout timing Calendar scrollbars probably work there just by accident.
Sam Weinig
Comment 6
2007-02-10 18:05:28 PST
Antti, the test case looks good, now, if you could just bundle it all together. add a Changelog for the LayoutTest and upload it we will be all set.
Antti Koivisto
Comment 7
2007-02-11 16:05:30 PST
Based on
comment #4
committed as
with the attached LayoutTest
John Sullivan
Comment 8
2007-02-12 09:38:18 PST
This appears only partly fixed. With tip of tree, if I visit Google calendar in day or week mode, no vertical scroller appears. But if I click on the "month" tab, then back on the "day" or "week" tab, the vertical scroller then appears, and works correctly. So there's some initial state that's still wrong.
Antti Koivisto
Comment 9
2007-02-12 10:22:24 PST
Worksforme. Err, are you sure you actually have
or newer?
Matt Lilek
Comment 10
2007-02-12 10:45:08 PST
This also works for me with
John Sullivan
Comment 11
2007-02-12 10:54:23 PST
Hmm, I definitely have 19573. I'll double-check this.
John Sullivan
Comment 12
2007-02-12 10:58:32 PST
Ah, I was building a Release version, but testing on a Debug version that wasn't quite up to date. When I test on a version that actually includes this fix, it works just fine. D'oh!
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