REGRESSION: Unordered List Bullets too big and changing from size
Summary REGRESSION: Unordered List Bullets too big and changing from size
Rene v Amerongen
Reported 2006-12-24 07:35:34 PST
In the supplied sample page, the bullets are too big. Also when I make the window small and resize the height, the bullets changes from size. sample code <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Examples of margins, padding, and borders</TITLE> <STYLE type="text/css"> *{ font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial; font-style: normal; padding:0; margin:0; } div#container { background: yellow; margin: 12px; padding: 7px; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color:red; } div.justShowContainerSize { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border-style:dotted; border-width:1px; border-color:black; background: transparent; } div { color: white; /* text color is white */ background: blue; /* Content, padding will be blue */ margin: 12px; padding: 12px 0px 12px 12px; /* Note 0px padding right */ } div.withborder { border-style: dashed; border-width: 6px; border-color: lime; background: red; } div#two { background: green; margin: 12px; /*padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px;*/ } p, ul{ padding-left:40px; }{ border-color:red; }{ border-color: orange; } .justShowContainerSize.white{ border-color:white; } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <h2>4 - see space between div's </h2> <p> red line is border container <ul> <li> margin: 12px <li> border: 1px <li> padding: 7px </ul> </p> <p> dotted orange line is the edge content of the container and the outside margin of the total size of the div's <ul> <li> margin: 12px <li> border: 0px <li> padding:12px </ul> </p> <p> solid white line is the edge of the padding of the div's inside the content of the container<br> dotted white border is the edge of the div's inside the content of the container <ul> <li> margin: 12px <li> border: 0px <li> padding:12px </ul> </p> <div id="container"> <div class="justShowContainerSize"> <div> <div class="justShowContainerSize white"> <div class="withborder">Div with withBorder</div> Div with no ID or class just tag and style </div> </div> <!-- <div class="justShowContainerSize orange"> --> <div id="two">first line in Div with 'two' as ID and style <div class="justShowContainerSize red"> <div class="withborder">again a div with a dashed border</div></div> Second line in Div with 'two' as ID and style. </div> <!--</div> --> </div> <!-- justShowContainerSize --> </div> <!-- container --> </BODY> </HTML>
see the differences with other browsers (176.91 KB, image/tiff)
2006-12-24 07:38 PST, Rene v Amerongen
no flags
bullets ok, but before resizing (73.54 KB, image/tiff)
2006-12-24 07:39 PST, Rene v Amerongen
no flags
bullets not ok, after some resizing (68.44 KB, image/tiff)
2006-12-24 07:40 PST, Rene v Amerongen
no flags
bullets again ok, after more resizing (85.05 KB, image/tiff)
2006-12-24 07:41 PST, Rene v Amerongen
no flags
finally not ok, and stays this size. (86.92 KB, image/tiff)
2006-12-24 07:42 PST, Rene v Amerongen
no flags
reduced test case (331 bytes, text/html)
2007-01-27 10:54 PST, Sam Weinig
no flags
patch (23.23 KB, patch)
2007-01-27 14:01 PST, Sam Weinig
mitz: review+
Rene v Amerongen
Comment 1 2006-12-24 07:38:35 PST
Created attachment 11997 [details] see the differences with other browsers
Rene v Amerongen
Comment 2 2006-12-24 07:39:45 PST
Created attachment 11998 [details] bullets ok, but before resizing
Rene v Amerongen
Comment 3 2006-12-24 07:40:31 PST
Created attachment 11999 [details] bullets not ok, after some resizing
Rene v Amerongen
Comment 4 2006-12-24 07:41:18 PST
Created attachment 12001 [details] bullets again ok, after more resizing
Rene v Amerongen
Comment 5 2006-12-24 07:42:06 PST
Created attachment 12002 [details] finally not ok, and stays this size.
Comment 6 2006-12-24 07:42:54 PST
List markers don't set the stroke width :-)
Dave Hyatt
Comment 7 2006-12-24 14:00:47 PST
Why did any of this work before? Were we just never setting the stroke width for any HTML drawing and relying on 0 becoming 1?
Sam Weinig
Comment 8 2007-01-27 10:54:42 PST
Created attachment 12714 [details] reduced test case
Sam Weinig
Comment 9 2007-01-27 14:01:39 PST
Created attachment 12717 [details] patch Explicitly set the stroke width to 1.0f for list-markers during painting.
Comment 10 2007-01-27 14:08:38 PST
Comment on attachment 12717 [details] patch r=me
Sam Weinig
Comment 11 2007-01-27 14:56:20 PST
Landed in r19192.
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