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Drosera should have context menus for key UI elements and "Reload" should be removed
Drosera should have context menus for key UI elements and "Reload" should be ...
Timothy Hatcher
2006-10-18 20:25:01 PDT
We should add a way for JavaScript to define something should have a context menu. We can look for a special class or attribute that the WebView delegate looks for. Then the delegate can call into JavaScript to get an array of menu names and function objects. These function objects will be called if the menu item is picked. This system will make it easy to add more context menus later, and keep most of the code in javaScript.
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Timothy Hatcher
Comment 1
2006-10-18 20:28:02 PDT
Break points should have a context menu for bringing up the editor and toggling on and off.
Adam Roben (:aroben)
Comment 2
2008-03-13 23:03:04 PDT
HTML 5 has a spec for creating context menus from markup. <
> What is "Reload"?
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 3
2008-03-13 23:10:47 PDT
The default context menu includes Reload.
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 4
2008-05-17 09:17:47 PDT
We have a bug about this for the Web Inspector. Since Drosera was replaced by the new debugger, this can be closed.
Timothy Hatcher
Comment 5
2008-05-17 09:55:59 PDT
Closing since Drosera has been replaced by the new Web Inspector debugger. Moving to the New Bugs component so the Drosera component can be closed and removed.
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