HashTable.h not zeroing pointers in constructor
Summary HashTable.h not zeroing pointers in constructor
Michael Emmel
Reported 2006-10-17 17:57:34 PDT
In debug mode the new m_next and m_previous pointers are net set to zero leadin to crashes.
zero pointers in constructor HashTable.h (544 bytes, patch)
2006-10-17 17:58 PDT, Michael Emmel
no flags
Missed the second constructor (752 bytes, patch)
2006-10-17 18:02 PDT, Michael Emmel
darin: review-
Michael Emmel
Comment 1 2006-10-17 17:58:49 PDT
Created attachment 11126 [details] zero pointers in constructor HashTable.h
Michael Emmel
Comment 2 2006-10-17 18:02:50 PDT
Created attachment 11127 [details] Missed the second constructor
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 3 2006-10-17 20:49:44 PDT
I don't think this is necessary because the constructors all call addIterator, which initializes both m_next and m_previous. Will ask for Darin's input.
Michael Emmel
Comment 4 2006-10-17 21:24:39 PDT
Okay the problem is in the assert assert(table->m_iterators != it); it->m_next = table->m_iterators; If their is a problem it triggers before we initalize the m_next so its still garbage and makes it hard to debug. Been a while since I looked at this. The assert could be moved below and still work.
Darin Adler
Comment 5 2006-10-18 11:35:57 PDT
(In reply to comment #3) > I don't think this is necessary because the constructors all call addIterator, > which initializes both m_next and m_previous. Will ask for Darin's input. Maciej's correct about my original intent.
Michael Emmel
Comment 6 2006-10-18 12:08:45 PDT
Can you move the assert below the setting of the value then ? So the pointer is not garbage when the assert triggers. From this assert(table->m_iterators != it); it->m_next = table->m_iterators; To this //set pointer so its not garbage it->m_next = table->m_iterators; //assert now if its incorrect. assert(table->m_iterators != it); Its not completely obvious the next pointer is garbage if you trigger this in a debugger.
Darin Adler
Comment 7 2006-10-21 18:48:52 PDT
Comment on attachment 11127 [details] Missed the second constructor This patch won't compile (missing colon in the second constructor). And I'm not convinced the change is helpful. I understand that this confused you once while debugging, but I'd prefer to just leave this as-is unless you present a more compelling argument to change it.
Michael Emmel
Comment 8 2006-10-22 00:02:38 PDT
I don't think the patch is the right answer in the first place. If you do hit the assert your dealing with some intresting info in a debugger. And it does its job below. I've got no strong feelings either way it was just confusing at the time. The reason I hit it the first time is actually a bit more involved I had compiled JavaScriptCore and WebKit with different debug flags but this is more a build/linking issue. From my experience this does not seem to work.
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