NEW 11256
WebIconDatabaseDirectoryDefaultsKey should not be written to the prefrences if it is the default value
Summary WebIconDatabaseDirectoryDefaultsKey should not be written to the prefrences i...
Rachael Worthington (cheers)
Reported 2006-10-11 12:02:56 PDT
if the default value for the WebIconDatabaseDirecotryDefaultsKey is used, it should be written to the volitile NSRegistrationDomain, not the plist. Set major because it forces all clients of webkit into the same icon database which does not handle multiple clients without loss of data. It also prevents applications from fixing this problem once noted since the users already have the default set persistantly.
Christiaan Hofman
Comment 1 2010-10-28 14:13:57 PDT
Let me add that also just register in the registration domain using registerDefault is also wrong. This would override any default value registered by the client, and would basically make it impossible for clients to register their own default. What should happen is that a value should be registered in NSRegistrationDomain, and ONLY if no value was not registered there before.
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