run-webkit-tests has become an unmaintainable ball of perl snot
Summary run-webkit-tests has become an unmaintainable ball of perl snot
Eric Seidel (no email)
Reported 2006-09-18 01:53:06 PDT
run-webkit-tests needs some serious re-factoring. I looked briefly at solving bug 10906 this evening, but quickly gave up. run-webkit-tests may need to move away from Perl entirely, as perl's lack of real class support is a serious limitation, causing overly awkward code. My suggestion would be that a pair of people work together to commit small incremental improvements (mostly breaking everything out into subroutines) in rapid succession, with a review on each improvement.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 1 2007-10-18 01:03:56 PDT
This bug isn't actually very useful, and probably should just be closed. The fact remains though, run-webkit-tests is uggggly.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 2 2007-10-18 02:28:07 PDT
Closing per the above comment. Personally, I haven't heard of people having much trouble hacking run-webkit-tests, aside from bug 10906, which isn't quite trivial conceptually, anyway.
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