clip rect set in ScrollViewWin::paint is larger than it needs to be
Summary clip rect set in ScrollViewWin::paint is larger than it needs to be
Darin Fisher (:fishd, Google)
Reported 2007-12-19 19:05:40 PST
clip rect set in ScrollViewWin::paint is larger than it needs to be the code depends on the caller to have already set the correct clip rect, which is why this does not manifest itself as a problem in safari. (however, it may still be problematic for iframes.) I'm referring to this line of code: context->clip(enclosingIntRect(visibleContentRect())); I believe that should really be: context->clip(documentDirtyRect);
Frances Cornwall
Comment 1 2024-04-22 20:53:17 PDT
I searched through the code. ScrollViewWin::paint does not exist anymore in WebKit.
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