Bug 122077 - Pass VM instead of ExecState to simple builtin constructors.
Summary: Pass VM instead of ExecState to simple builtin constructors.
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: JavaScriptCore (show other bugs)
Version: 528+ (Nightly build)
Hardware: Unspecified Unspecified
: P2 Normal
Assignee: Andreas Kling
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-09-29 14:12 PDT by Andreas Kling
Modified: 2013-09-29 15:19 PDT (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:

Patch (37.67 KB, patch)
2013-09-29 14:18 PDT, Andreas Kling
no flags Details | Formatted Diff | Diff

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Description Andreas Kling 2013-09-29 14:12:25 PDT
Less loads.
Comment 1 Andreas Kling 2013-09-29 14:18:26 PDT
Created attachment 212932 [details]
Comment 2 Andreas Kling 2013-09-29 14:45:04 PDT
Benchmark report for SunSpider on foie (MacBookPro10,1).

VMs tested:
"TipOfTree" at /Users/akling/Source/Safari/Reference-OpenSource/WebKitBuild/Release/jsc
"MyChanges" at /Users/akling/Source/Safari/OpenSource/WebKitBuild/Release/jsc

Collected 4 samples per benchmark/VM, with 4 VM invocations per benchmark. Emitted a call to gc() between
sample measurements. Used 1 benchmark iteration per VM invocation for warm-up. Used the jsc-specific
preciseTime() function to get microsecond-level timing. Reporting benchmark execution times with 95%
confidence intervals in milliseconds.

                                  TipOfTree                 MyChanges                                     

3d-cube                         5.5412+-0.9754            5.2640+-0.7147          might be 1.0527x faster
3d-morph                        5.6569+-0.3215     ?      5.6937+-0.9428        ?
3d-raytrace                     6.1124+-0.2246     ?      6.2209+-0.3278        ? might be 1.0178x slower
access-binary-trees             1.5634+-0.2817            1.3693+-0.1467          might be 1.1418x faster
access-fannkuch                 5.2222+-0.4107     ?      5.4225+-0.5125        ? might be 1.0384x slower
access-nbody                    2.5106+-0.0554     ?      2.6198+-0.2639        ? might be 1.0435x slower
access-nsieve                   3.3120+-0.1010     ?      3.5897+-0.7179        ? might be 1.0838x slower
bitops-3bit-bits-in-byte        1.4423+-0.1089     ?      1.4955+-0.2932        ? might be 1.0369x slower
bitops-bits-in-byte             1.8979+-0.2405            1.8978+-0.1240        
bitops-bitwise-and              1.9824+-0.2659     ?      2.0667+-0.4336        ? might be 1.0425x slower
bitops-nsieve-bits              3.0799+-0.1904     ?      3.3593+-0.4866        ? might be 1.0907x slower
controlflow-recursive           1.9529+-0.0257     ?      1.9661+-0.1575        ?
crypto-aes                      4.1859+-1.0502            4.0115+-0.9878          might be 1.0435x faster
crypto-md5                      2.1318+-0.1026     ?      2.1710+-0.1414        ? might be 1.0184x slower
crypto-sha1                     2.1326+-0.1718     ?      2.2051+-0.1164        ? might be 1.0340x slower
date-format-tofte               7.3260+-0.3949     ?      7.6609+-0.7812        ? might be 1.0457x slower
date-format-xparb               5.3370+-0.1014     ?      5.6025+-0.5493        ? might be 1.0497x slower
math-cordic                     2.8659+-0.1907     ?      3.0437+-0.2106        ? might be 1.0620x slower
math-partial-sums               5.5274+-0.2339     ?      5.5406+-0.4557        ?
math-spectral-norm              1.7567+-0.0712     ?      1.9977+-0.5162        ? might be 1.1372x slower
regexp-dna                      8.8030+-2.2827            7.7713+-0.2978          might be 1.1328x faster
string-base64                   3.7896+-0.5268     ?      3.8430+-0.4730        ? might be 1.0141x slower
string-fasta                   12.7247+-2.3825           11.2858+-0.6204          might be 1.1275x faster
string-tagcloud                10.4869+-1.9121           10.2932+-0.7500          might be 1.0188x faster
string-unpack-code             21.0292+-0.2494     ^     19.7722+-0.9272        ^ definitely 1.0636x faster
string-validate-input           4.2023+-0.1492     ?      4.5339+-0.6998        ? might be 1.0789x slower

<arithmetic> *                  5.0990+-0.1527            5.0268+-0.0231          might be 1.0143x faster
<geometric>                     3.9518+-0.0621     ?      3.9851+-0.0635        ? might be 1.0084x slower
<harmonic>                      3.2190+-0.0174     ?      3.2670+-0.1038        ? might be 1.0149x slower
Comment 3 WebKit Commit Bot 2013-09-29 15:19:11 PDT
Comment on attachment 212932 [details]

Clearing flags on attachment: 212932

Committed r156620: <http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/156620>
Comment 4 WebKit Commit Bot 2013-09-29 15:19:13 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed.  Closing bug.