Bug 66463

Summary: Crash in WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x118
Product: WebKit Reporter: Mario Gomes <mariosoufa>
Component: WebKit Misc.Assignee: Nobody <webkit-unassigned>
Severity: Normal CC: aroben
Priority: P2    
Version: 528+ (Nightly build)   
Hardware: Unspecified   
OS: Unspecified   
Description Flags
Same test as attachment none

Mario Gomes
Reported 2011-08-18 06:41:24 PDT
Reproduce: 1. Open repro.html 2. After the page load 3. Double click the left mouse button, then click on the button right click and select copy. Repro.html ============================================================= <frameset id="tag" cols="25%,25%,25%,25%" style="margin: -1000em; padding-left: 1000em;bottom: 1000em; padding: 1000em;display: -webkit-marquee;"> <frame src="http://www.google.com.br"></frame> <frame src="http://www.google.com.br"></frame> <frame src="http://www.google.com.br"></frame> <frame src="http://www.google.com.br"></frame> <frame src="http://www.google.com.br"></frame> </frameset> <fieldset id="field"> </frameset> <body onload="go()"> <script> function go(){ var tag = document.getElementById("tag"); var tag2 = document.getElementById("field"); setInterval(function (){clone = tag.cloneNode(true);tag2.appendChild(clone);},1);} </script> Stacktrace ======================================================================= (374.134): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance) First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling. This exception may be expected and handled. eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=7fbc3820 edi=00000000 eip=1002c628 esp=0012f490 ebp=0012f588 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00010246 WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x118: 1002c628 8b4708 mov eax,dword ptr [edi+8] ds:0023:00000008=???????? 1:006> .exr -1 ExceptionAddress: 1002c628 (WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x00000118) ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation) ExceptionFlags: 00000000 NumberParameters: 2 Parameter[0]: 00000000 Parameter[1]: 00000008 Attempt to read from address 00000008 1:006> .lastevent Last event: 374.134: Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance) debugger time: Thu Aug 18 10:06:10.656 2011 (UTC - 3:00) 1:006> kp ChildEBP RetAddr 0012f588 104214ab WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag(struct HBITMAP__ * image = 0x00000000, class WebCore::IntPoint * imageOrigin = 0x0012f5c0, class WebCore::IntPoint * dragPoint = 0x0012f5d8, class WebCore::Clipboard * clipboard = 0x7f3e5870, class WebCore::Frame * frame = 0x7fed5700, bool isLink = false)+0x118 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 79] 0012f63c 10420cf9 WebKit!WebCore::DragController::doSystemDrag(struct HBITMAP__ * image = 0x00000000, class WebCore::IntPoint * dragLoc = 0x00000000, class WebCore::IntPoint * eventPos = 0x00000101, class WebCore::Clipboard * clipboard = 0x00000000, class WebCore::Frame * frame = 0x00000000, bool forLink = true)+0x1ab [c:\bwa\webcore-7534.50\srcroot\page\dragcontroller.cpp @ 846] 0012f7a8 10419e53 WebKit!WebCore::DragController::startDrag(class WebCore::Frame * src = 0x00000000, struct WebCore::DragState * state = 0x7fee6900, WebCore::DragOperation srcOp = DragOperationEvery (0n-1), class WebCore::PlatformMouseEvent * dragEvent = 0xffffffff, class WebCore::IntPoint * dragOrigin = 0x00660001)+0x369 [c:\bwa\webcore-7534.50\srcroot\page\dragcontroller.cpp @ 734] 0012f820 104147f4 WebKit!WebCore::EventHandler::handleDrag(class WebCore::MouseEventWithHitTestResults * event = 0x7fabee40)+0x3c3 [c:\bwa\webcore-7534.50\srcroot\page\eventhandler.cpp @ 2833] 0012f874 10416ca7 WebKit!WebCore::EventHandler::handleMouseDraggedEvent(class WebCore::MouseEventWithHitTestResults * event = 0x00000000)+0x14 [c:\bwa\webcore-7534.50\srcroot\page\eventhandler.cpp @ 542] 0012f940 1041679c WebKit!WebCore::EventHandler::handleMouseMoveEvent(class WebCore::PlatformMouseEvent * mouseEvent = 0x0012f9b8, class WebCore::HitTestResult * hoveredNode = 0x0012f968)+0x447 [c:\bwa\webcore-7534.50\srcroot\page\eventhandler.cpp @ 1659] 0012f99c 10038072 WebKit!WebCore::EventHandler::mouseMoved(class WebCore::PlatformMouseEvent * event = 0x7fe995a0)+0x5c [c:\bwa\webcore-7534.50\srcroot\page\eventhandler.cpp @ 1531] 0012fa14 10038100 WebKit!WebKit::handleMouseEvent(class WebKit::WebMouseEvent * mouseEvent = 0x00000000, class WebCore::Page * page = 0x7fe995a0)+0xb2 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webpage\webpage.cpp @ 1042] 0012fa3c 10091111 WebKit!WebKit::WebPage::mouseEvent(class WebKit::WebMouseEvent * mouseEvent = 0x0012fa48)+0x80 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webpage\webpage.cpp @ 1062] 0012fa80 10090640 WebKit!CoreIPC::handleMessage<Messages::WebPage::MouseEvent,WebKit::WebPage,void (class CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder * argumentDecoder = 0x1008c07e, class WebKit::WebPage * object = 0x7fe92c00, <function> * function = 0x000f0009)+0x61 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\platform\coreipc\handlemessage.h @ 278] 0012fab8 1003af14 WebKit!WebKit::WebPage::didReceiveWebPageMessage(class CoreIPC::Connection * __formal = 0x0012fb28, class CoreIPC::MessageID messageID = class CoreIPC::MessageID, class CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder * arguments = 0x00000000)+0x110 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\objroot\production\obj\webkit\derivedsources\webpagemessagereceiver.cpp @ 88] 0012fad0 100167df WebKit!WebKit::WebPage::didReceiveMessage(class CoreIPC::Connection * connection = 0x00000000, class CoreIPC::MessageID messageID = class CoreIPC::MessageID, class CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder * arguments = 0x7fe92c00)+0x84 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webpage\webpage.cpp @ 2018] 0012faf0 1008c07e WebKit!WebKit::WebProcess::didReceiveMessage(class CoreIPC::Connection * connection = 0x7fe92c00, class CoreIPC::MessageID messageID = class CoreIPC::MessageID, class CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder * arguments = 0x7f46b230)+0x1ef [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webprocess.cpp @ 643] 0012fb0c 1008c180 WebKit!CoreIPC::Connection::dispatchMessage(class CoreIPC::Connection::Message<CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder> * message = 0x00000000)+0x6e [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\platform\coreipc\connection.cpp @ 689] 0012fb34 100891e3 WebKit!CoreIPC::Connection::dispatchMessages(void)+0x80 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\platform\coreipc\connection.cpp @ 714] 0012fb48 10089844 WebKit!RunLoop::performWork(void)+0x43 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\platform\runloop.cpp @ 64] 0012fb50 100897d6 WebKit!RunLoop::wndProc(struct HWND__ * hWnd = 0x00090200, unsigned int message = 0, unsigned int wParam = 0, long lParam = 0n0)+0x34 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\platform\win\runloopwin.cpp @ 65] 0012fb64 7e368734 WebKit!RunLoop::RunLoopWndProc(struct HWND__ * hWnd = 0x7e368816, unsigned int message = 0x100897b0, unsigned int wParam = 0x90200, long lParam = 0n1025)+0x26 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\platform\win\runloopwin.cpp @ 55] 0012fb90 7e368816 USER32!InternalCallWinProc+0x28 0012fbf8 7e3689cd USER32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x150 0012fc58 7e368a10 USER32!DispatchMessageWorker+0x306 0012fc68 100898a3 USER32!DispatchMessageW+0xf 0012fc98 1003f677 WebKit!RunLoop::run(void)+0x43 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\platform\win\runloopwin.cpp @ 78] 0012fcac 1001500a WebKit!WebKit::WebProcessMain(class WebKit::CommandLine * commandLine = 0x7fe92e00)+0xf7 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\win\webprocessmainwin.cpp @ 82] 0012fccc 10015125 WebKit!WebKitMain(class WebKit::CommandLine * commandLine = 0x7fe92e00)+0x13a [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webkitmain.cpp @ 57] 0012fd00 0040108c WebKit!WebKitMain(struct HINSTANCE__ * hInstance = 0x00400000, struct HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance = 0x00000000, wchar_t * lpstrCmdLine = 0x00020b86 "-type webprocess -clientIdentifier 1324", int nCmdShow = 0n10)+0xa5 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webkitmain.cpp @ 172] 0012ff2c 00401253 WebKit2WebProcess!wWinMain(struct HINSTANCE__ * hInstance = 0x7c817077, struct HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance = 0x00030000, wchar_t * lpstrCmdLine = 0x00150178 "???", int nCmdShow = 0n2147336192)+0x8c [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\win\mainwin.cpp @ 66] 0012ffc0 7c817077 WebKit2WebProcess!__tmainCRTStartup(void)+0x150 [f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\crtexe.c @ 589] 0012fff0 00000000 kernel32!BaseProcessStart+0x23 1:006> dv /v @ecx this = 0x00000000 0012f590 image = 0x00000000 0012f594 imageOrigin = 0x0012f5c0 0012f598 dragPoint = 0x0012f5d8 0012f59c clipboard = 0x7f3e5870 0012f5a0 frame = 0x7fed5700 0012f5a4 isLink = false 0012f4c4 handle = class WebKit::SharedMemory::Handle 0012f4ac bitmapDC = class WTF::OwnPtr<HDC__ *> 0012f4a8 okEffect = 0x1533642 0012f518 dragData = class WebCore::DragData 0012f4b4 fileSize = 0n270570972 0012f4d8 fileContentHandle = class WebKit::SharedMemory::Handle 0012f4e8 bitmapInfo = struct tagBITMAPINFO 0012f4d4 fileContentBuffer = class WTF::RefPtr<WebKit::SharedMemory> 0012f4e0 dataObject = class COMPtr<IDataObject> 0012f4b0 pathname = class WTF::String 1:006> dt image Local var @ 0x12f590 Type HBITMAP__* (null) 1:006> dt this Local var @ ecx Type WebKit::WebDragClient* +0x000 __VFN_table : Ptr32 +0x004 m_page : Ptr32 WebKit::WebPage 1:006> r eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=7fbc3820 edi=00000000 eip=1002c628 esp=0012f490 ebp=0012f588 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00010246 WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x118: 1002c628 8b4708 mov eax,dword ptr [edi+8] ds:0023:00000008=???????? 1:006> uf WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 63]: 63 1002c510 55 push ebp 63 1002c511 8bec mov ebp,esp 63 1002c513 83e4f8 and esp,0FFFFFFF8h 63 1002c516 81ece4000000 sub esp,0E4h 64 1002c51c 8b4514 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+14h] 64 1002c51f 53 push ebx 64 1002c520 56 push esi 64 1002c521 8b7030 mov esi,dword ptr [eax+30h] 64 1002c524 33db xor ebx,ebx 64 1002c526 3bf3 cmp esi,ebx 64 1002c528 57 push edi 64 1002c529 894c2434 mov dword ptr [esp+34h],ecx 64 1002c52d 89742448 mov dword ptr [esp+48h],esi 64 1002c531 0f84ab040000 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x4d2 (1002c9e2) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x27 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 64]: 64 1002c537 8b0e mov ecx,dword ptr [esi] 64 1002c539 8b5104 mov edx,dword ptr [ecx+4] 64 1002c53c 56 push esi 64 1002c53d ffd2 call edx 69 1002c53f 53 push ebx 69 1002c540 ff1508da6d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__CreateCompatibleDC (106dda08)] 69 1002c546 8bf8 mov edi,eax 69 1002c548 53 push ebx 69 1002c549 897c2418 mov dword ptr [esp+18h],edi 69 1002c54d e842066800 call WebKit!WTF::deleteOwnedPtr (106acb94) 72 1002c552 8b4d08 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8] 72 1002c555 33c0 xor eax,eax 72 1002c557 83c404 add esp,4 72 1002c55a 53 push ebx 72 1002c55b 89442458 mov dword ptr [esp+58h],eax 72 1002c55f 8944245c mov dword ptr [esp+5Ch],eax 72 1002c563 89442460 mov dword ptr [esp+60h],eax 72 1002c567 89442464 mov dword ptr [esp+64h],eax 72 1002c56b 89442468 mov dword ptr [esp+68h],eax 72 1002c56f 8944246c mov dword ptr [esp+6Ch],eax 72 1002c573 89442470 mov dword ptr [esp+70h],eax 72 1002c577 89442474 mov dword ptr [esp+74h],eax 72 1002c57b 89442478 mov dword ptr [esp+78h],eax 72 1002c57f 8944247c mov dword ptr [esp+7Ch],eax 72 1002c583 8d442454 lea eax,[esp+54h] 72 1002c587 50 push eax 72 1002c588 53 push ebx 72 1002c589 53 push ebx 72 1002c58a 53 push ebx 72 1002c58b 51 push ecx 72 1002c58c 57 push edi 72 1002c58d c744246c28000000 mov dword ptr [esp+6Ch],28h 72 1002c595 ff1514da6d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__GetDIBits (106dda14)] 73 1002c59b 8b442464 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+64h] 73 1002c59f 3bc3 cmp eax,ebx 73 1002c5a1 7726 ja WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0xb9 (1002c5c9) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x93 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 74]: 74 1002c5a3 8b442458 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+58h] 74 1002c5a7 99 cdq 74 1002c5a8 33c2 xor eax,edx 74 1002c5aa 2bc2 sub eax,edx 74 1002c5ac 0fb754245e movzx edx,word ptr [esp+5Eh] 74 1002c5b1 83c207 add edx,7 74 1002c5b4 0fafc2 imul eax,edx 74 1002c5b7 0faf442454 imul eax,dword ptr [esp+54h] 74 1002c5bc 99 cdq 74 1002c5bd 83e207 and edx,7 74 1002c5c0 03c2 add eax,edx 74 1002c5c2 c1f803 sar eax,3 74 1002c5c5 89442464 mov dword ptr [esp+64h],eax WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0xb9 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 76]: 76 1002c5c9 50 push eax 76 1002c5ca 8d7c2450 lea edi,[esp+50h] 76 1002c5ce e89dd70500 call WebKit!WebKit::SharedMemory::create (10089d70) 76 1002c5d3 8b38 mov edi,dword ptr [eax] 76 1002c5d5 8918 mov dword ptr [eax],ebx 76 1002c5d7 8b442450 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+50h] 76 1002c5db 83c404 add esp,4 76 1002c5de 3bc3 cmp eax,ebx 76 1002c5e0 897c247c mov dword ptr [esp+7Ch],edi 76 1002c5e4 7431 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x107 (1002c617) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0xd6 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 76]: 76 1002c5e6 8b08 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax] 76 1002c5e8 83f901 cmp ecx,1 76 1002c5eb 7407 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0xe4 (1002c5f4) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0xdd [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 76]: 76 1002c5ed 83c1ff add ecx,0FFFFFFFFh 76 1002c5f0 8908 mov dword ptr [eax],ecx 76 1002c5f2 eb23 jmp WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x107 (1002c617) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0xe4 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 76]: 76 1002c5f4 8bf0 mov esi,eax 76 1002c5f6 8b4008 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+8] 76 1002c5f9 50 push eax 76 1002c5fa ff153ce16d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__UnmapViewOfFile (106de13c)] 76 1002c600 8b4e0c mov ecx,dword ptr [esi+0Ch] 76 1002c603 51 push ecx 76 1002c604 ff1510e16d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__CloseHandle (106de110)] 76 1002c60a 56 push esi 76 1002c60b e860056800 call WebKit!WTF::fastFree (106acb70) 76 1002c610 8b74244c mov esi,dword ptr [esp+4Ch] 76 1002c614 83c404 add esp,4 WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x107 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 79]: 79 1002c617 8b4c2458 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+58h] 79 1002c61b 53 push ebx 79 1002c61c 8d542454 lea edx,[esp+54h] 79 1002c620 52 push edx 79 1002c621 8b5508 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp+8] 79 1002c624 895c2468 mov dword ptr [esp+68h],ebx 79 1002c628 8b4708 mov eax,dword ptr [edi+8] 79 1002c62b 50 push eax 79 1002c62c 8b442420 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+20h] 79 1002c630 51 push ecx 79 1002c631 53 push ebx 79 1002c632 52 push edx 79 1002c633 50 push eax 79 1002c634 ff1514da6d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__GetDIBits (106dda14)] 81 1002c63a 895c242c mov dword ptr [esp+2Ch],ebx 81 1002c63e 895c2430 mov dword ptr [esp+30h],ebx 82 1002c642 ff1520e16d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__GetCurrentProcess (106de120)] 82 1002c648 8b570c mov edx,dword ptr [edi+0Ch] 82 1002c64b 53 push ebx 82 1002c64c 53 push ebx 82 1002c64d 6a04 push 4 82 1002c64f 8d4c241c lea ecx,[esp+1Ch] 82 1002c653 51 push ecx 82 1002c654 50 push eax 82 1002c655 52 push edx 82 1002c656 50 push eax 82 1002c657 ff151ce16d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__DuplicateHandle (106de11c)] 82 1002c65d 85c0 test eax,eax 82 1002c65f 7437 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x188 (1002c698) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x151 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 82]: 82 1002c661 8b442410 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+10h] 82 1002c665 8944242c mov dword ptr [esp+2Ch],eax 82 1002c669 8b4f04 mov ecx,dword ptr [edi+4] 82 1002c66c 894c2430 mov dword ptr [esp+30h],ecx 84 1002c670 8b4c2434 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+34h] 84 1002c674 8b5104 mov edx,dword ptr [ecx+4] 84 1002c677 8b4208 mov eax,dword ptr [edx+8] 84 1002c67a 8b4808 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax+8] 84 1002c67d 8b411c mov eax,dword ptr [ecx+1Ch] 84 1002c680 33c9 xor ecx,ecx 84 1002c682 83f8ff cmp eax,0FFFFFFFFh 84 1002c685 0f8581000000 jne WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x1fc (1002c70c) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x17b [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 84]: 84 1002c68b c744241007000000 mov dword ptr [esp+10h],7 84 1002c693 e996000000 jmp WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x21e (1002c72e) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x188 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 83]: 83 1002c698 8b44242c mov eax,dword ptr [esp+2Ch] 83 1002c69c 3bc3 cmp eax,ebx 83 1002c69e 7407 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x197 (1002c6a7) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x190 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 83]: 83 1002c6a0 50 push eax 83 1002c6a1 ff1510e16d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__CloseHandle (106de110)] WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x197 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 83]: 83 1002c6a7 8b07 mov eax,dword ptr [edi] 83 1002c6a9 83f801 cmp eax,1 83 1002c6ac 7423 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x1c1 (1002c6d1) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x19e [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 83]: 83 1002c6ae 8b4c2414 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+14h] 83 1002c6b2 83c0ff add eax,0FFFFFFFFh 83 1002c6b5 51 push ecx 83 1002c6b6 8907 mov dword ptr [edi],eax 83 1002c6b8 e8d7046800 call WebKit!WTF::deleteOwnedPtr (106acb94) 83 1002c6bd 8b16 mov edx,dword ptr [esi] 99 1002c6bf 8b4208 mov eax,dword ptr [edx+8] 99 1002c6c2 83c404 add esp,4 99 1002c6c5 56 push esi 99 1002c6c6 ffd0 call eax 99 1002c6c8 5f pop edi 99 1002c6c9 5e pop esi 99 1002c6ca 5b pop ebx 99 1002c6cb 8be5 mov esp,ebp 99 1002c6cd 5d pop ebp 99 1002c6ce c21800 ret 18h WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x1c1 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 83]: 83 1002c6d1 8b5708 mov edx,dword ptr [edi+8] 83 1002c6d4 52 push edx 83 1002c6d5 ff153ce16d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__UnmapViewOfFile (106de13c)] 83 1002c6db 8b470c mov eax,dword ptr [edi+0Ch] 83 1002c6de 50 push eax 83 1002c6df ff1510e16d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__CloseHandle (106de110)] 83 1002c6e5 57 push edi 83 1002c6e6 e885046800 call WebKit!WTF::fastFree (106acb70) 83 1002c6eb 8b4c2418 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+18h] 83 1002c6ef 83c404 add esp,4 83 1002c6f2 51 push ecx 83 1002c6f3 e89c046800 call WebKit!WTF::deleteOwnedPtr (106acb94) 83 1002c6f8 8b16 mov edx,dword ptr [esi] 99 1002c6fa 8b4208 mov eax,dword ptr [edx+8] 99 1002c6fd 83c404 add esp,4 99 1002c700 56 push esi 99 1002c701 ffd0 call eax 99 1002c703 5f pop edi 99 1002c704 5e pop esi 99 1002c705 5b pop ebx 99 1002c706 8be5 mov esp,ebp 99 1002c708 5d pop ebp 99 1002c709 c21800 ret 18h WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x1fc [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 84]: 84 1002c70c a801 test al,1 84 1002c70e 7405 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x205 (1002c715) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x200 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 84]: 84 1002c710 b901000000 mov ecx,1 WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x205 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 84]: 84 1002c715 a802 test al,2 84 1002c717 7403 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x20c (1002c71c) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x209 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 84]: 84 1002c719 83c904 or ecx,4 WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x20c [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 84]: 84 1002c71c a810 test al,10h 84 1002c71e 7403 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x213 (1002c723) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x210 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 84]: 84 1002c720 83c902 or ecx,2 WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x213 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 84]: 84 1002c723 a804 test al,4 84 1002c725 7403 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x21a (1002c72a) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x217 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 84]: 84 1002c727 83c902 or ecx,2 WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x21a [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 84]: 84 1002c72a 894c2410 mov dword ptr [esp+10h],ecx WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x21e [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 86]: 86 1002c72e 33d2 xor edx,edx 86 1002c730 33c0 xor eax,eax 86 1002c732 89942480000000 mov dword ptr [esp+80h],edx 86 1002c739 89842488000000 mov dword ptr [esp+88h],eax 89 1002c740 8d542418 lea edx,[esp+18h] 89 1002c744 52 push edx 89 1002c745 8d442420 lea eax,[esp+20h] 89 1002c749 33c9 xor ecx,ecx 89 1002c74b 50 push eax 89 1002c74c 8bc6 mov eax,esi 89 1002c74e 899c248c000000 mov dword ptr [esp+8Ch],ebx 89 1002c755 898c2494000000 mov dword ptr [esp+94h],ecx 89 1002c75c 89b42498000000 mov dword ptr [esp+98h],esi 89 1002c763 899c249c000000 mov dword ptr [esp+9Ch],ebx 89 1002c76a 899c24a0000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0A0h],ebx 89 1002c771 899c24a4000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0A4h],ebx 89 1002c778 899c24a8000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0A8h],ebx 89 1002c77f 899c24ac000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0ACh],ebx 89 1002c786 899c24b0000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0B0h],ebx 89 1002c78d 899c24b4000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0B4h],ebx 89 1002c794 895c2420 mov dword ptr [esp+20h],ebx 89 1002c798 895c2424 mov dword ptr [esp+24h],ebx 89 1002c79c e86fa44100 call WebKit!WebCore::getFileDescriptorData (10446c10) 92 1002c7a1 8b742424 mov esi,dword ptr [esp+24h] 92 1002c7a5 33ff xor edi,edi 92 1002c7a7 83c408 add esp,8 92 1002c7aa 3bf3 cmp esi,ebx 92 1002c7ac 897c243c mov dword ptr [esp+3Ch],edi 92 1002c7b0 895c2440 mov dword ptr [esp+40h],ebx 92 1002c7b4 895c2444 mov dword ptr [esp+44h],ebx 92 1002c7b8 0f849b000000 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x349 (1002c859) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x2ae [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 93]: 93 1002c7be 56 push esi 93 1002c7bf 8d7c2424 lea edi,[esp+24h] 93 1002c7c3 e8a8d50500 call WebKit!WebKit::SharedMemory::create (10089d70) 93 1002c7c8 83c404 add esp,4 93 1002c7cb 8d7c243c lea edi,[esp+3Ch] 93 1002c7cf e80c73fdff call WebKit!WTF::RefPtr<WebKit::SharedMemory>::operator= (10003ae0) 93 1002c7d4 8b442420 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+20h] 93 1002c7d8 3bc3 cmp eax,ebx 93 1002c7da 742d je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x2f9 (1002c809) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x2cc [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 93]: 93 1002c7dc 8b08 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax] 93 1002c7de 83f901 cmp ecx,1 93 1002c7e1 7407 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x2da (1002c7ea) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x2d3 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 93]: 93 1002c7e3 83c1ff add ecx,0FFFFFFFFh 93 1002c7e6 8908 mov dword ptr [eax],ecx 93 1002c7e8 eb1f jmp WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x2f9 (1002c809) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x2da [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 93]: 93 1002c7ea 8b4808 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax+8] 93 1002c7ed 51 push ecx 93 1002c7ee 8bf8 mov edi,eax 93 1002c7f0 ff153ce16d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__UnmapViewOfFile (106de13c)] 93 1002c7f6 8b570c mov edx,dword ptr [edi+0Ch] 93 1002c7f9 52 push edx 93 1002c7fa ff1510e16d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__CloseHandle (106de110)] 93 1002c800 57 push edi 93 1002c801 e86a036800 call WebKit!WTF::fastFree (106acb70) 93 1002c806 83c404 add esp,4 WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x2f9 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 94]: 94 1002c809 8b842490000000 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+90h] 94 1002c810 3bc3 cmp eax,ebx 94 1002c812 8b7c243c mov edi,dword ptr [esp+3Ch] 94 1002c816 7413 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x31b (1002c82b) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x308 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 94]: 94 1002c818 8b4f08 mov ecx,dword ptr [edi+8] 94 1002c81b 51 push ecx 94 1002c81c 56 push esi 94 1002c81d 8bf0 mov esi,eax 94 1002c81f e8aca44100 call WebKit!WebCore::getFileContentData (10446cd0) 94 1002c824 8b742424 mov esi,dword ptr [esp+24h] 94 1002c828 83c408 add esp,8 WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x31b [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 95]: 95 1002c82b ff1520e16d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__GetCurrentProcess (106de120)] 95 1002c831 8b4f0c mov ecx,dword ptr [edi+0Ch] 95 1002c834 53 push ebx 95 1002c835 53 push ebx 95 1002c836 6a04 push 4 95 1002c838 8d54242c lea edx,[esp+2Ch] 95 1002c83c 52 push edx 95 1002c83d 50 push eax 95 1002c83e 51 push ecx 95 1002c83f 50 push eax 95 1002c840 ff151ce16d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__DuplicateHandle (106de11c)] 95 1002c846 85c0 test eax,eax 95 1002c848 740f je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x349 (1002c859) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x33a [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 95]: 95 1002c84a 8b542420 mov edx,dword ptr [esp+20h] 95 1002c84e 89542440 mov dword ptr [esp+40h],edx 95 1002c852 8b4704 mov eax,dword ptr [edi+4] 95 1002c855 89442444 mov dword ptr [esp+44h],eax WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x349 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 98]: 98 1002c859 8b4c2434 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+34h] 98 1002c85d 8b4104 mov eax,dword ptr [ecx+4] 98 1002c860 8b9028020000 mov edx,dword ptr [eax+228h] 98 1002c866 8b802c020000 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+22Ch] 98 1002c86c 8b4c2454 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+54h] 98 1002c870 89542420 mov dword ptr [esp+20h],edx 98 1002c874 8b542458 mov edx,dword ptr [esp+58h] 98 1002c878 89442424 mov dword ptr [esp+24h],eax 98 1002c87c 8b450c mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] 98 1002c87f 894c2434 mov dword ptr [esp+34h],ecx 98 1002c883 8b4d10 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+10h] 98 1002c886 89542438 mov dword ptr [esp+38h],edx 98 1002c88a 8b542410 mov edx,dword ptr [esp+10h] 98 1002c88e 898424b0000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0B0h],eax 98 1002c895 8d842480000000 lea eax,[esp+80h] 98 1002c89c 898c24b4000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0B4h],ecx 98 1002c8a3 899424b8000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0B8h],edx 98 1002c8aa 899c24bc000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0BCh],ebx 98 1002c8b1 e82a7b1d00 call WebKit!WebCore::DragData::dragDataMap (102043e0) 98 1002c8b6 898424c0000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0C0h],eax 98 1002c8bd 8bc6 mov eax,esi 98 1002c8bf 99 cdq 98 1002c8c0 898424c8000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0C8h],eax 98 1002c8c7 899424cc000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0CCh],edx 98 1002c8ce 8d442418 lea eax,[esp+18h] 98 1002c8d2 898424d0000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0D0h],eax 98 1002c8d9 8d4c2440 lea ecx,[esp+40h] 98 1002c8dd 8d542434 lea edx,[esp+34h] 98 1002c8e1 898c24d8000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0D8h],ecx 98 1002c8e8 8a4d1c mov cl,byte ptr [ebp+1Ch] 98 1002c8eb 899424e0000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0E0h],edx 98 1002c8f2 8b542424 mov edx,dword ptr [esp+24h] 98 1002c8f6 8d44242c lea eax,[esp+2Ch] 98 1002c8fa 898424e8000000 mov dword ptr [esp+0E8h],eax 98 1002c901 8b442420 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+20h] 98 1002c905 52 push edx 98 1002c906 888c24f0000000 mov byte ptr [esp+0F0h],cl 98 1002c90d 50 push eax 98 1002c90e 8d8c24b8000000 lea ecx,[esp+0B8h] 98 1002c915 51 push ecx 98 1002c916 e845010000 call WebKit!CoreIPC::MessageSender<WebKit::WebPage>::send<Messages::WebPageProxy::StartDragDrop> (1002ca60) 99 1002c91b 8b442440 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+40h] 99 1002c91f 3bc3 cmp eax,ebx 99 1002c921 8b3510e16d10 mov esi,dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__CloseHandle (106de110)] 99 1002c927 7403 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x41c (1002c92c) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x419 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c929 50 push eax 99 1002c92a ffd6 call esi WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x41c [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c92c 3bfb cmp edi,ebx 99 1002c92e 7427 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x447 (1002c957) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x420 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c930 8b07 mov eax,dword ptr [edi] 99 1002c932 83f801 cmp eax,1 99 1002c935 7407 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x42e (1002c93e) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x427 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c937 83c0ff add eax,0FFFFFFFFh 99 1002c93a 8907 mov dword ptr [edi],eax 99 1002c93c eb19 jmp WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x447 (1002c957) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x42e [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c93e 8b5708 mov edx,dword ptr [edi+8] 99 1002c941 52 push edx 99 1002c942 ff153ce16d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__UnmapViewOfFile (106de13c)] 99 1002c948 8b470c mov eax,dword ptr [edi+0Ch] 99 1002c94b 50 push eax 99 1002c94c ffd6 call esi 99 1002c94e 57 push edi 99 1002c94f e81c026800 call WebKit!WTF::fastFree (106acb70) 99 1002c954 83c404 add esp,4 WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x447 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c957 8b442418 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+18h] 99 1002c95b 3bc3 cmp eax,ebx 99 1002c95d 8bf8 mov edi,eax 99 1002c95f 741b je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x46c (1002c97c) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x451 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c961 830080 add dword ptr [eax],0FFFFFF80h 99 1002c964 f707c0ffffff test dword ptr [edi],0FFFFFFC0h 99 1002c96a 7510 jne WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x46c (1002c97c) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x45c [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c96c 8bcf mov ecx,edi 99 1002c96e e82dcd0600 call WebKit!WTF::StringImpl::~StringImpl (100996a0) 99 1002c973 57 push edi 99 1002c974 e8f7016800 call WebKit!WTF::fastFree (106acb70) 99 1002c979 83c404 add esp,4 WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x46c [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c97c 8b8c249c000000 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+9Ch] 99 1002c983 8b8424a0000000 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+0A0h] 99 1002c98a 51 push ecx 99 1002c98b e870000000 call WebKit!WTF::HashTable<unsigned int,std::pair<unsigned int,WTF::Vector<WTF::String,0> >,WTF::PairFirstExtractor<std::pair<unsigned int,WTF::Vector<WTF::String,0> > >,WTF::IntHash<unsigned int>,WTF::PairHashTraits<WTF::HashTraits<unsigned int>,WTF::HashTraits<WTF::Vector<WTF::String,0> > >,WTF::HashTraits<unsigned int> >::deallocateTable (1002ca00) 99 1002c990 8b442430 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+30h] 99 1002c994 83c404 add esp,4 99 1002c997 3bc3 cmp eax,ebx 99 1002c999 7403 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x48e (1002c99e) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x48b [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c99b 50 push eax 99 1002c99c ffd6 call esi WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x48e [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c99e 8b7c247c mov edi,dword ptr [esp+7Ch] 99 1002c9a2 8b07 mov eax,dword ptr [edi] 99 1002c9a4 83f801 cmp eax,1 99 1002c9a7 7407 je WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x4a0 (1002c9b0) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x499 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c9a9 83c0ff add eax,0FFFFFFFFh 99 1002c9ac 8907 mov dword ptr [edi],eax 99 1002c9ae eb19 jmp WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x4b9 (1002c9c9) WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x4a0 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c9b0 8b5708 mov edx,dword ptr [edi+8] 99 1002c9b3 52 push edx 99 1002c9b4 ff153ce16d10 call dword ptr [WebKit!_imp__UnmapViewOfFile (106de13c)] 99 1002c9ba 8b470c mov eax,dword ptr [edi+0Ch] 99 1002c9bd 50 push eax 99 1002c9be ffd6 call esi 99 1002c9c0 57 push edi 99 1002c9c1 e8aa016800 call WebKit!WTF::fastFree (106acb70) 99 1002c9c6 83c404 add esp,4 WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x4b9 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c9c9 8b4c2414 mov ecx,dword ptr [esp+14h] 99 1002c9cd 51 push ecx 99 1002c9ce e8c1016800 call WebKit!WTF::deleteOwnedPtr (106acb94) 99 1002c9d3 8b44244c mov eax,dword ptr [esp+4Ch] 99 1002c9d7 8b10 mov edx,dword ptr [eax] 99 1002c9d9 83c404 add esp,4 99 1002c9dc 50 push eax 99 1002c9dd 8b4208 mov eax,dword ptr [edx+8] 99 1002c9e0 ffd0 call eax WebKit!WebKit::WebDragClient::startDrag+0x4d2 [c:\bwa\webkit2-7534.50\srcroot\webprocess\webcoresupport\win\webdragclientwin.cpp @ 99]: 99 1002c9e2 5f pop edi 99 1002c9e3 5e pop esi 99 1002c9e4 5b pop ebx 99 1002c9e5 8be5 mov esp,ebp 99 1002c9e7 5d pop ebp 99 1002c9e8 c21800 ret 18h
Same test as attachment (673 bytes, text/html)
2011-08-18 12:08 PDT, Alexey Proskuryakov
no flags
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1 2011-08-18 12:08:55 PDT
Created attachment 104380 [details] Same test as attachment
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 2 2011-08-18 12:11:24 PDT
I cannot reproduce in Safari 5.1 for Mac, so this may be Windows only.
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