Bug 65602

Summary: QtWebKit deadlocks when calling QGraphicsWebView::page()
Product: WebKit Reporter: Víctor Fernández <blankpage.vm>
Component: WebKit QtAssignee: Nobody <webkit-unassigned>
Severity: Normal    
Priority: P2    
Version: 528+ (Nightly build)   
Hardware: Mac (Intel)   
OS: OS X 10.6   

Víctor Fernández
Reported 2011-08-03 03:09:37 PDT
I'm using Qt 4.8 beta1 and the version of QtWebKit that comes with it (2.2 beta). When calling page() in a subclass of QGraphicsWebView to get the page, QtWebKit instantiates it and deadlocks with this backtrace: __semwait_signal + 10 (in libSystem.B.dylib) [0x7fff87503a6a] QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, unsigned long) + 304 (in QtCore) [0x103004d40] QSemaphore::acquire(int) + 134 (in QtCore) [0x1030008b6] QMetaMethod::invoke(QObject*, Qt::ConnectionType, QGenericReturnArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument) const + 1109 (in QtCore) [0x10311e925] QMetaObject::invokeMethod(QObject*, char const*, Qt::ConnectionType, QGenericReturnArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument) + 1324 (in QtCore) [0x103120f6c] QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::updateConfigurations() + 1035 (in QtNetwork) [0x102ea045b] QNetworkConfigurationManager::qt_metacast(char const*) + 248 (in QtNetwork) [0x102e9dcd8] QNetworkConfigurationManager::QNetworkConfigurationManager(QObject*) + 31 (in QtNetwork) [0x102e9e09f] WebCore::NetworkStateNotifierPrivate::NetworkStateNotifierPrivate(WebCore::NetworkStateNotifier*) + 67 (in QtWebKit) [0x100fbbc13] WebCore::NetworkStateNotifier::NetworkStateNotifier() + 54 (in QtWebKit) [0x100fbbcc6] WebCore::networkStateNotifier() + 101 (in QtWebKit) [0x100d3aa55] WebCore::Page::Page(WebCore::Page::PageClients&) + 1344 (in QtWebKit) [0x100ccae30] QWebPagePrivate::QWebPagePrivate(QWebPage*) + 642 (in QtWebKit) [0x100745e72] QWebPage::QWebPage(QObject*) + 66 (in QtWebKit) [0x10074c1f2] QGraphicsWebView::page() const + 104 (in QtWebKit) [0x1007408b8] QGraphicsWebView::setHtml(QString const&, QUrl const&) + 27 (in QtWebKit) [0x100740afb] ContentView::ContentView(QGraphicsItem*) + 251 (in testprogram) [0x1000178ab] In this backtrace, page() was called from setHtml() but it also happens if I call it directly or indirectly by using other methods such as settings().
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1 2022-07-29 10:45:32 PDT
The Qt port has been removed from WebKit, resolving.
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