Bug 61810

Summary: FrameLoader::addExtraFieldsToRequest can crash when called from or after FrameLoader::detachFromParent
Product: WebKit Reporter: Antoine Labour <piman>
Component: Page LoadingAssignee: Adam Barth <abarth>
Severity: Normal CC: abarth, annulen, ap, brettw, eric, fishd, japhet, jberlin, webkit
Priority: P2    
Version: 528+ (Nightly build)   
Hardware: Unspecified   
OS: Unspecified   
Description Flags
Patch none

Antoine Labour
Reported 2011-05-31 15:01:47 PDT
See this crash on Chrome OS, when involving a pepper plugin that navigates away when destroyed. It crashes with an invalid DocumentWriter, because the FrameLoader's DocumentLoader was set to NULL. 0x75df3949 [chrome - third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/loader/DocumentWriter.cpp:251] WebCore::DocumentWriter::deprecatedFrameEncoding 0x75df90dc [chrome - third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:2730] WebCore::FrameLoader::addExtraFieldsToRequest 0x75e0bd2b [chrome - third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:1345] WebCore::FrameLoader::loadURL 0x75e0d25f [chrome - third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:1318] WebCore::FrameLoader::loadFrameRequest 0x7570c9b5 [chrome - third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/WebPluginContainerImpl.cpp:397] WebKit::WebPluginContainerImpl::loadFrameRequest 0x762e6460 [chrome - webkit/plugins/ppapi/ppapi_plugin_instance.cc:1203] webkit::ppapi::PluginInstance::Navigate 0x762f755d [chrome - webkit/plugins/ppapi/ppb_flash_impl.cc:62] webkit::ppapi::::Navigate 0x765deeb1 [chrome - ppapi/proxy/ppb_flash_proxy.cc:260] pp::proxy::PPB_Flash_Proxy::OnMsgNavigate 0x765e020b [chrome - ./base/tuple.h:751] pp::proxy::PPB_Flash_Proxy::OnMessageReceived 0x765fd162 [chrome - ppapi/proxy/host_dispatcher.cc:174] pp::proxy::HostDispatcher::OnMessageReceived 0x756df6a6 [chrome - ipc/ipc_channel_proxy.cc:254] IPC::ChannelProxy::Context::OnDispatchMessage 0x756e60a6 [chrome - ipc/ipc_sync_channel.cc:110] IPC::SyncChannel::ReceivedSyncMsgQueue::DispatchMessages 0x756e7102 [chrome - ipc/ipc_sync_channel.cc:276] IPC::SyncChannel::SendWithTimeout 0x756e37dc [chrome - ipc/ipc_sync_channel.cc:399] IPC::SyncChannel::Send 0x765ca18a [chrome - ppapi/proxy/proxy_channel.cc:80] pp::proxy::ProxyChannel::Send 0x765fd210 [chrome - ppapi/proxy/host_dispatcher.cc:138] pp::proxy::HostDispatcher::Send 0x765fb53d [chrome - ppapi/proxy/ppp_instance_proxy.cc:43] pp::proxy::::DidDestroy 0x762e7ff3 [chrome - webkit/plugins/ppapi/ppapi_plugin_instance.cc:435] webkit::ppapi::PluginInstance::Delete 0x76a37b37 [chrome - webkit/plugins/ppapi/ppapi_webplugin_impl.cc:89] webkit::ppapi::WebPluginImpl::destroy 0x7570a6ce [chrome - third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/WebPluginContainerImpl.cpp:467] WebKit::WebPluginContainerImpl::~WebPluginContainerImpl 0x7570a77d [chrome - third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/WebPluginContainerImpl.cpp:468] WebKit::WebPluginContainerImpl::~WebPluginContainerImpl 0x760cb3be [chrome - third_party/WebKit/Source/JavaScriptCore/wtf/RefCounted.h:141] WebCore::RenderWidget::resumeWidgetHierarchyUpdates 0x75c93697 [chrome - third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/dom/Element.cpp:1022] WebCore::Element::detach 0x75c60c2a [chrome - third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/dom/ContainerNode.cpp:742] WebCore::ContainerNode::detach 0x75c78e7f [chrome - third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/dom/Document.cpp:1758] WebCore::Document::detach 0x75e81fcf [chrome - third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/page/Frame.cpp:271] WebCore::Frame::setView 0x75e0065f [chrome - third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:2653] WebCore::FrameLoader::detachFromParent 0x7571e63f [chrome - third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/WebViewImpl.cpp:949] WebKit::WebViewImpl::close 0x766e1723 [chrome - content/renderer/render_widget.cc:829] RenderWidget::Close 0x766ce6ee [chrome - content/renderer/render_view.cc:3927] RenderView::Close 0x766e191f [chrome - ./base/tuple.h:541] RunnableMethod<RenderWidget, void (RenderWidget::*)(), Tuple0>::Run 0x74e6e082 [chrome - base/message_loop.cc:371] MessageLoop::DoWork 0x74e701c7 [chrome - base/message_pump_default.cc:23] base::MessagePumpDefault::Run 0x74e69f6d [chrome - base/message_loop.cc:346] MessageLoop::RunHandler 0x74e6a1e9 [chrome - base/message_loop.cc:243] MessageLoop::Run 0x766ed0dc [chrome - content/renderer/renderer_main.cc:233] RendererMain 0x744910cc [chrome - chrome/app/chrome_main.cc:446] RunZygote 0x744917ef [chrome - chrome/app/chrome_main.cc:492] ChromeMain 0x74492414 [chrome - chrome/app/chrome_exe_main_gtk.cc:46] main 0x73298a95 [libc-2.10.1.so + 0x00016a95] 0x74490aa0 [chrome + 0x00219aa0] 0x744923bf [chrome + 0x0021b3bf] 0x74266fff [ld-2.10.1.so + 0x0000efff] It's a re-entrancy issue, but I'm pretty sure it's a valid use case for a plugin to navigate the page away when destroyed. It worked before http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/78342 because the DocumentWriter had the lifetime of the FrameLoader. See also http://code.google.com/p/chromium-os/issues/detail?id=15943
Patch (2.05 KB, patch)
2011-07-13 15:34 PDT, Adam Barth
no flags
Patch (1.74 KB, patch)
2011-09-06 12:38 PDT, Adam Barth
no flags
Adam Barth
Comment 1 2011-05-31 15:13:07 PDT
Thanks for filing!
Konstantin Tokarev
Comment 2 2011-06-10 06:09:22 PDT
Reproduced similar crash on QtWebkit (2.2 branch)
Adam Barth
Comment 3 2011-07-13 15:23:45 PDT
I see how to fix it, but I don't see how to write a test.
Adam Barth
Comment 4 2011-07-13 15:34:49 PDT
Adam Barth
Comment 5 2011-07-13 15:35:12 PDT
I'm sorry I don't understand this bug well enough to test it. :(
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 6 2011-07-13 15:43:55 PDT
A test could be more valuable than a fix :( We have another common crasher that could be related, and I'm unwilling to patch it with a null check. Is there something I can do to help investigate this? You said that you had multiple stack traces, could you post these?
Adam Barth
Comment 7 2011-07-13 15:46:34 PDT
> A test could be more valuable than a fix :( 100% agree. > We have another common crasher that could be related, and I'm unwilling to patch it with a null check. Is there something I can do to help investigate this? You said that you had multiple stack traces, could you post these? http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=88721 Chrome Version : 14.0.815.0 and 13.0.782.41 OS Version: 6.1 (Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2) URLs (if applicable) : http://entertainment.oneindia.in/music/international/2010/rihanna-snare-jesse-williams-030610.html What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Loaded the above page. 2. Clicked on the wallpapers http://wallpapers.oneindia.in/v/Hollywood/ or clicking on the Rhianna's image was able to crash multiple times (but not consistently). The following are the stack traces from 13.0.782.41 (beta) http://crash/reportdetail?reportid=13eba3f07f4795ec Thread 0 *CRASHED* ( EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_READ @ 0x00000058 ) 0x0239fa1a [chrome.dll - documentwriter.cpp:251 WebCore::DocumentWriter::deprecatedFrameEncoding() 0x0237cabd [chrome.dll - frameloader.cpp:2772 WebCore::FrameLoader::addExtraFieldsToRequest(WebCore::ResourceRequest &,WebCore::FrameLoadType,bool,bool) 0x0237e058 [chrome.dll - frameloader.cpp:3339 WebCore::FrameLoader::loadDifferentDocumentItem(WebCore::HistoryItem *,WebCore::FrameLoadType) 0x023af642 [chrome.dll - historycontroller.cpp:715 WebCore::HistoryController::recursiveGoToItem(WebCore::HistoryItem *,WebCore::HistoryItem *,WebCore::FrameLoadType) 0x023aec03 [chrome.dll - historycontroller.cpp:271 WebCore::HistoryController::goToItem(WebCore::HistoryItem *,WebCore::FrameLoadType) 0x0231efac [chrome.dll - page.cpp:348 WebCore::Page::goToItem(WebCore::HistoryItem *,WebCore::FrameLoadType) 0x025dc6e0 [chrome.dll - webframeimpl.cpp:947 WebKit::WebFrameImpl::loadHistoryItem(WebKit::WebHistoryItem const &) 0x01ca27f7 [chrome.dll - render_view.cc:770 RenderView::OnNavigate(ViewMsg_Navigate_Params const &) 0x01cac7a2 [chrome.dll - ipc_message_utils.h:963 IPC::MessageWithTuple<Tuple1<ViewMsg_Navigate_Params> >::Dispatch<RenderView,RenderView,void ( RenderView::*)(ViewMsg_Navigate_Params const &)>(IPC::Message const *,RenderView *,RenderView *,void ( RenderView::*)(ViewMsg_Navigate_Params const &)) 0x01ca1f47 [chrome.dll - render_view.cc:597 RenderView::OnMessageReceived(IPC::Message const &) 0x01c8a6e3 [chrome.dll - message_router.cc:46 MessageRouter::RouteMessage(IPC::Message const &) 0x01c8a6bd [chrome.dll - message_router.cc:38 MessageRouter::OnMessageReceived(IPC::Message const &) 0x01c8462d [chrome.dll - child_thread.cc:175 ChildThread::OnMessageReceived(IPC::Message const &) 0x01f2ed7c [chrome.dll - task.h:338 RunnableMethod<DOMStorageMessageFilter,void ( DOMStorageMessageFilter::*)(DOMStorageMsg_Event_Params const &),Tuple1<DOMStorageMsg_Event_Params> >::Run() 0x01c44f95 [chrome.dll - message_loop.cc:102 `anonymous namespace'::TaskClosureAdapter::Run() 0x01c45b35 [chrome.dll - message_loop.cc:482 MessageLoop::RunTask(MessageLoop::PendingTask const &) 0x01c45ba1 [chrome.dll - message_loop.cc:500 MessageLoop::DeferOrRunPendingTask(MessageLoop::PendingTask const &) 0x01c45f1c [chrome.dll - message_loop.cc:691 MessageLoop::DoWork() 0x01c50584 [chrome.dll - message_pump_default.cc:50 base::MessagePumpDefault::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate *) 0x01c45a6d [chrome.dll - message_loop.cc:449 MessageLoop::RunInternal() 0x01c459f2 [chrome.dll - message_loop.cc:422 MessageLoop::RunHandler() 0x01c458e6 [chrome.dll - message_loop.cc:346 MessageLoop::Run() 0x01c9e087 [chrome.dll - renderer_main.cc:235 RendererMain(MainFunctionParams const &) 0x01c348ec [chrome.dll - chrome_main.cc:823 ChromeMain 0x004022b8 [chrome.exe - client_util.cc:254 MainDllLoader::Launch(HINSTANCE__ *,sandbox::SandboxInterfaceInfo *) 0x0040595a [chrome.exe - chrome_exe_main_win.cc:46 wWinMain 0x00454f9f [chrome.exe - crt0.c:263 __tmainCRTStartup 0x7c816fe6 [kernel32.dll + 0x00016fe6] BaseProcessStart 0:000> dv /V @eax @eax this = 0x00000058 0:000> dt this Local var @ 0 Type WebCore::DocumentWriter* +0x000 m_frame : ???? +0x004 m_receivedData : ?? +0x008 m_mimeType : WTF::String +0x00c m_encodingWasChosenByUser : ?? +0x010 m_encoding : WTF::String +0x014 m_decoder : WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::TextResourceDecoder> Memory read error 00000064 We had around 40 crashes in Beta (13.0.782.41) http://chromecrash/samples?q=v%3DChrome-13.0.782.41%2Fptype%3Drenderer%2Fmagicsignature%3DWebCore%3A%3ADocumentWriter%3A%3AdeprecatedFrameEncoding()%2Fmagicsignature%3DWebCore%3A%3ADocumentWriter%3A%3AdeprecatedFrameEncoding() http://crash/reportdetail?reportid=5b457456ba050768 http://crash/reportdetail?reportid=bd576087505c60f5
Adam Barth
Comment 8 2011-07-13 15:49:03 PDT
Note: There's a pop under involved in that repro, so maybe it's some sort of race between history navigation and closing / opening the popup? I don't understand how we can be at that line of code without a DocumentLoader.
Jessie Berlin
Comment 9 2011-07-13 18:00:28 PDT
(In reply to comment #0) > See this crash on Chrome OS, when involving a pepper plugin that navigates away when destroyed. It crashes with an invalid DocumentWriter, because the FrameLoader's DocumentLoader was set to NULL. Is it only with pepper plugins? Or do NPAPI plugins cause this as well?
Antoine Labour
Comment 10 2011-07-13 18:12:09 PDT
I'm pretty sure a NPAPI plugin could do exactly the same, calling NPN_GetURL with a target of "_self" from NPP_Destroy, which could cause this. I haven't verified though.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 11 2011-07-14 12:44:01 PDT
In general, we ignore any calls from a plug-in that has been issued NPP_Destroy. If Pepper plug-ins allow that, then there should probably be code to cancel requests created during their destruction. This null crash is the smallest of problems that can arise from orphaned network requests.
Antoine Labour
Comment 12 2011-07-14 13:06:53 PDT
I'm pretty sure some Flash sites rely on being able to redirect you to another page and/or ping the host when the player is destroyed.
Adam Barth
Comment 13 2011-07-14 22:57:54 PDT
Unfortunately, I don't have access to a system with PPAPI Flash, nor do we have support for PPAPI in any WebKit testing harness.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 14 2011-07-19 00:33:35 PDT
Who has access to PPAPI flash?
Darin Fisher (:fishd, Google)
Comment 15 2011-07-19 11:13:07 PDT
I agree with Antoine that we should be able to construct a test case using TestNetscapePlugin and a LayoutTest. (Comment #2 indicates that it can be replicated without PPAPI too.)
Darin Fisher (:fishd, Google)
Comment 16 2011-07-19 11:16:17 PDT
(In reply to comment #11) > In general, we ignore any calls from a plug-in that has been issued NPP_Destroy. > > If Pepper plug-ins allow that, then there should probably be code to cancel requests created during their destruction. This null crash is the smallest of problems that can arise from orphaned network requests. Are you sure we disallow loads initiated *during* NPP_Destroy? I agree that we should disallow loads initiated *after* NPP_Destroy. Looking at PluginView::load(), it certainly has a null-check for FrameLoader::documentLoader(). It looks like WebPluginContainerImpl::loadFrameRequest() should have a similar check.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 17 2011-07-19 11:26:33 PDT
Yes, anything can happen while we're waiting for a reply to NPP_Destroy.
Konstantin Tokarev
Comment 18 2011-07-19 11:28:28 PDT
(In reply to comment #15) > (Comment #2 indicates that it can be replicated without PPAPI too.) Right, my case has nothing to do with PPAPI. I built QtWebKit-2.2 branch (in its state in the beginning of June) using Qt-4.7.3 Embedded (QWS). I was getting reproducible crashes while trying to open non-existing URL http://torrents.ru
Darin Fisher (:fishd, Google)
Comment 19 2011-07-19 11:31:00 PDT
(In reply to comment #17) > Yes, anything can happen while we're waiting for a reply to NPP_Destroy. So, I really think the right fix here is to disallow the URL load when the DocumentLoader is gone just as PluginView.cpp does. A test case probably has TestNetscapePlugin attempt to call NPN_GetURL after NPP_Destroy. The test case probably needs to use some mechanism other than NPN_ThreadAsyncCall to schedule the call to NPN_GetURL. (I can imagine the browser dropping NPN_ThreadAsyncCall callbacks on the floor after NPP_Destroy.)
Adam Barth
Comment 20 2011-07-19 11:34:05 PDT
Comment on attachment 100722 [details] Patch Ok. I'll give that a try. Thanks!
Darin Fisher (:fishd, Google)
Comment 21 2011-07-19 11:47:44 PDT
likely patch: Index: WebPluginContainerImpl.cpp =================================================================== --- WebPluginContainerImpl.cpp (revision 91186) +++ WebPluginContainerImpl.cpp (working copy) @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ void WebPluginContainerImpl::loadFrameRequest(const WebURLRequest& request, const WebString& target, bool notifyNeeded, void* notifyData) { Frame* frame = m_element->document()->frame(); - if (!frame) + if (!frame || !frame->loader()->documentLoader()) return; // FIXME: send a notification in this case? if (notifyNeeded) {
Adam Barth
Comment 22 2011-09-06 12:38:52 PDT
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 23 2011-09-07 15:47:36 PDT
I discussed this at length with Adam. My understanding of this bug is thus: This is a Flash-only PPAPI bug. Flash is provided a private PPAPI call 'Navigate' implemented in proxy/ppb_flash_proxy.cc:int32_t Navigate(PP_Resource request_id, which uses a synchronous message call back to the rendering process: proxy/ppapi_messages.h:IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBFlash_Navigate, As far as I can tell, there is no attempt in the code to ignore messages after telling the plugin to destroy (as ap mentioned may be the case for NPAPI plugins in comment #12) So the renderer gets this Navigate message, makes no attempt to check whether the plugin is being destroyed and then calls loadFrameRequest, which crashes lacking a documentLoader. Adam's approach of ignoring the call to loadFrameRequest at the WebKit API layer seems reasonable. The authors of the PPAPI flash API might wish to consider also ignoring these messages earlier as well. In either case it's impossible to test this in WebKit, as it would require a PPAPI plugin, as well as a plugin with access to the special Flash API as well. The patch seems reasonable given that understanding.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 24 2011-09-07 15:47:48 PDT
Comment on attachment 106467 [details] Patch OK.
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 25 2011-09-07 15:49:46 PDT
I should note, GetURL (which is the NPAPI equivalent) is async. So even if it were possible to call it during Destroy (which ap suggests it may not be in most implementations), it would not be possible to reproduce this bug using GetURL.
Adam Barth
Comment 26 2011-09-07 15:53:43 PDT
Comment on attachment 106467 [details] Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 106467 Committed r94721: <http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/94721>
Adam Barth
Comment 27 2011-09-07 15:53:48 PDT
All reviewed patches have been landed. Closing bug.
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