Bug 266934

Summary: Progress (Percentage) is not centered in loading bar in HTML5 game
Product: WebKit Reporter: Ahmad Saleem <ahmad.saleem792>
Component: Layout and RenderingAssignee: Nobody <webkit-unassigned>
Status: NEW    
Severity: Normal CC: bfulgham, karlcow, simon.fraser, webkit-bug-importer, zalan
Priority: P2 Keywords: BrowserCompat, InRadar
Version: WebKit Nightly Build   
Hardware: Unspecified   
OS: Unspecified   
URL: https://loderunnerwebgame.com/game/
Description Flags
Safari Reference Screenshot none

Ahmad Saleem
Reported 2023-12-29 10:56:03 PST
Hi Team, While stumbling into 'HTML5 game' in URL field, I noticed that Safari Technology Preview 184 and Safari 17.2.1 don't show 'percentage' in centered but it touches bottom baseline. Attaching reference screenshot. Chrome Canary 122 and Firefox Nightly 123 both have it correct. Just wanted to raise so we can fix it. Thanks!
Safari Reference Screenshot (131.04 KB, image/png)
2023-12-29 10:56 PST, Ahmad Saleem
no flags
Ahmad Saleem
Comment 1 2023-12-29 10:56:25 PST
Created attachment 469241 [details] Safari Reference Screenshot
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 2 2024-01-05 10:57:19 PST
Karl Dubost
Comment 3 2024-07-25 22:39:59 PDT
The initial html, basically contains only this: ``` <canvas id="canvas" width="1120" height="768" style="left: 113px; top: 11px; position: absolute; cursor: default;"></canvas> ``` This is initiated at the beginning by: ``` function init() { var a = getScreenSize(); screenX1 = a.x; screenY1 = a.y; canvasReSize(); createStage(); setBackground(); initAutoDemoRnd(); loadStoreVariable(); initMenuVariable(); getLastPlayInfo(); initDemoData(); getEditLevelInfo(); showLoadingPage() } ``` This function seems to have a promising name: showLoadingPage() Indeed typing it in the console and it restarts the loading screen. the definition is inside https://loderunnerwebgame.com/game/lodeRunner.preload.min.js?060821142151 ``` function showLoadingPage() { var a = [ { src: "image/cover.png" + noCache, id: "cover", }, { src: themeImagePath + THEME_APPLE2 + "/runner.png" + noCache, id: "runner", }, ]; coverPageLoad = new createjs.LoadQueue(!0); coverPageLoad.on("error", function (c) { console.log("error", c); }); coverPageLoad.on("fileload", function (c) { switch (c.item.id) { case "cover": coverBitmap = new createjs.Bitmap(c.result); coverBitmap.setTransform(0, 0, tileScale, tileScale); c = (coverBitmap.getBounds().width * tileScale) | 0; var f = (coverBitmap.getBounds().height * tileScale) | 0; titleBackground = new createjs.Shape(); titleBackground.graphics.beginFill("white").drawRect(0, 0, c, f); mainStage.addChild(titleBackground); mainStage.addChild(coverBitmap); mainStage.update(); break; case "runner": createRunnerSpriteSheet(c.result); } }); coverPageLoad.on("complete", function (c) { preloadResource(); }); coverPageLoad.loadManifest(a); } ``` https://loderunnerwebgame.com/game/image/cover.png is just all the text without the loading bar. The progress bar is drawn by ``` preload.on("progress", function(b) { g.graphics.clear(); g.graphics.beginFill("gold").drawRect(0, 0, b.loaded / b.total * l, k); d.text = (b.loaded / b.total * 100 | 0) + "%"; d.x = (canvas.width - d.getBounds().width) / 2 | 0 } ``` there's a function for LineHeight, but if I change the value manually it doesn't affect the position. ``` b.getMeasuredLineHeight = function() { return 1.2 * this._prepContext(a._workingContext).measureText("M").width }, b.getMeasuredHeight = function() { return this._drawText(null, {}).height }, ``` The value is: 26.65625 The font used for the progress bar is font: "32px Arial" So I wonder if it's a simple difference in between browsers. Ah! on Firefox this is font: "30.4px Arial" The computation of the size is made in: d = new createjs.Text("0", COVER_PROGRESS_BAR_H * tileScale + "px Arial", "#FF0000"), with COVER_PROGRESS_BAR_H = 32, so the changing parameter is tileScale 1 in Safari 0.95 in Firefox tileScale seems to be defined in ``` for ( var a, d = 100 * MAX_SCALE; d >= 100 * MIN_SCALE && !((tileScale = d / 100), (canvasX = BASE_SCREEN_X * tileScale), (canvasY = BASE_SCREEN_Y * tileScale), (a = 2 * BASE_ICON_X * tileScale), (canvasX + a <= screenX1 && canvasY <= screenY1) || tileScale <= MIN_SCALE); d -= 5 ); debug("SCALE=" + tileScale); screenBorder = (screenX1 - (canvasX + a)) / 2; screenBorder > 2 * ICON_BORDER ? (screenBorder = 2 * ICON_BORDER) : 0 > screenBorder && (screenBorder = 0); screenBorder = (screenBorder * tileScale) | 0; canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); canvas.width = canvasX; canvas.height = canvasY; a = ((screenX1 - canvasX) / 2) | 0; d = ((screenY1 - canvasY) / 2) | 0; canvas.style.left = (0 < a ? a : 0) + "px"; canvas.style.top = (0 < d ? d : 0) + "px"; canvas.style.position = "absolute"; canvas.style.cursor = "default"; tileW = BASE_TILE_X; tileH = BASE_TILE_Y; tileWScale = BASE_TILE_X * tileScale; tileHScale = BASE_TILE_Y * tileScale; W2 = (tileW / 2) | 0; H2 = (tileH / 2) | 0; W4 = (tileW / 4) | 0; H4 = (tileH / 4) | 0; } ``` aka var a, d = 100 * MAX_SCALE; d >= 100 * MIN_SCALE && !((tileScale = d / 100),
Karl Dubost
Comment 4 2024-07-25 23:55:28 PDT
when I set Firefox with "32px Arial", the error reproduces on Firefox. So why is this different in Firefox and Safari.
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