Bug 221819

Summary: [ BigSur+ wk2 ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-mediaelementaudiosourcenode-interface/mediaElementAudioSourceToScriptProcessorTest.html is a flaky text failure.
Product: WebKit Reporter: Peng Liu <peng.liu6>
Component: Web AudioAssignee: Robert Jenner <jenner>
Status: NEW    
Severity: Normal CC: cdumez, jenner, tsavell, webkit-bug-importer
Priority: P2 Keywords: InRadar
Version: Other   
Hardware: Unspecified   
OS: Unspecified   

Peng Liu
Reported 2021-02-12 09:42:00 PST
imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-mediaelementaudiosourcenode-interface/mediaElementAudioSourceToScriptProcessorTest.html PASS Element Source tests completed PASS Channel 0 processed some data -FAIL All data processed correctly assert_array_approx_equals: comparing expected and rendered buffers (channel 0) lengths differ, expected 44098 got 40003 +FAIL All data processed correctly assert_array_approx_equals: comparing expected and rendered buffers (channel 0) lengths differ, expected 44098 got 40117
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 1 2021-02-19 09:42:12 PST
Peng Liu
Comment 2 2021-02-25 17:40:58 PST
Looks like the test fails with "Media in GPU Process" disabled.
Truitt Savell
Comment 3 2021-03-03 11:42:54 PST
I added additional expectations for this test for Mac wk1 debug in https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/273829/webkit
Robert Jenner
Comment 4 2022-03-22 13:48:03 PDT
This was a constant failure on wk1. For that, it was recommended that we rebased. So I have done that. It is a flaky failure for wk2 however, as seen in the history here: HISTORY URL: https://results.webkit.org/?suite=layout-tests&test=imported%2Fw3c%2Fweb-platform-tests%2Fwebaudio%2Fthe-audio-api%2Fthe-mediaelementaudiosourcenode-interface%2FmediaElementAudioSourceToScriptProcessorTest.html So a rebase won't help that. I have updated the title of the bug, and we will leave the existing [ Pass Failure ] expectations in place while this bug is being investigated.
Robert Jenner
Comment 5 2022-06-08 17:22:42 PDT
Comment 6 2022-06-08 17:26:12 PDT
Test gardening commit r295403 (251409@main): <https://commits.webkit.org/251409@main> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #1398 and removing active labels.
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