Bug 19597

Summary: <textarea><!--</textarea>--></textarea>
Product: WebKit Reporter: Felix <felix.1>
Component: DOMAssignee: Adam Barth <abarth>
Severity: Normal CC: abarth, collinj
Priority: P2    
Version: 528+ (Nightly build)   
Hardware: Mac   
OS: OS X 10.5   
Description Flags
Patch darin: review+

Reported 2008-06-16 21:22:05 PDT
<textarea><!--</textarea>--></textarea> should create a textarea with the contents "<!--</textarea>-->", and it does in firefox, ie, opera. in safari/webkit, it creates a textarea with "<!--"
Patch (24.91 KB, patch)
2008-06-24 00:28 PDT, Adam Barth
darin: review+
Collin Jackson
Comment 1 2008-06-16 22:51:29 PDT
According to the HTML 5 spec, Firefox/IE/Opera are correct; the textarea should contain "<!--</textarea>-->". http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#cdata-rcdata-restrictions
Adam Barth
Comment 2 2008-06-24 00:28:47 PDT
Created attachment 21898 [details] Patch I wanted to learn more about the HTML parser, but this turned out to be super easy to fix.
Darin Adler
Comment 3 2008-06-24 08:28:28 PDT
Comment on attachment 21898 [details] Patch r=me
Adam Barth
Comment 4 2008-06-24 21:43:44 PDT
Fixed in r34787.
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