Bug 14548

Summary: REGRESSION (r23987-r24061) : Reproducible crash with a local stylesheet file
Product: WebKit Reporter: Alexander Luck <xmenclassic>
Component: Page LoadingAssignee: Nobody <webkit-unassigned>
Severity: Normal CC: dev+webkit
Priority: P1 Keywords: InRadar, PlatformOnly, Regression
Version: 523.x (Safari 3)   
Hardware: PC   
OS: Windows XP   
URL: http://www.computerbase.de/forum/
Description Flags
local Ad Blocking Stylesheet file none

Alexander Luck
Reported 2007-07-07 05:00:45 PDT
7.7.2007: With the nighty Build r24061 (6.6.2007) crashed Safari. With the previous nightly Nuild r23987 (5.7.2007) showed Safari the site.
local Ad Blocking Stylesheet file (15.86 KB, text/plain)
2007-07-08 04:38 PDT, Alexander Luck
no flags
David Kilzer (:ddkilzer)
Comment 1 2007-07-07 13:57:51 PDT
This does not crash for me using a local debug build of WebKit r24089 with Safari 3.0 (522.12) on Mac OS X 10.4.10 (8R218). Adding PlatformOnly keyword.
Alexander Luck
Comment 2 2007-07-08 03:34:36 PDT
I have found another url, which with r23987 is ok, but with r24061 is crashed. url: http://www.mediaupload.de/show_30581.html Description to r24061: 1. i run the first time the url and Safari crashed 2. i restart Safari and run the url then Safari show the site 3. I empty the cache 4. i close and restart Safari and run the url and Safari crashed The situation is reproducible.
Alexander Luck
Comment 3 2007-07-08 04:36:29 PDT
I have found the problem of the crashes with build r24061. I have set in the Safari settings a local stlyesheet file. It is a Ad Blocking css file. If i set in the Build r24061 the local stylesheet in none selected then run normal Safari. PS: I have because deleted the Keyword "Platformonly". I hope that is ok.
Alexander Luck
Comment 4 2007-07-08 04:38:44 PDT
Created attachment 15443 [details] local Ad Blocking Stylesheet file And here my local stylesheet file, which is the problem with the Build r24061
Matt Lilek
Comment 5 2007-07-08 11:06:00 PDT
Confirmed with my local debug build of r24097. Setting a stylesheet crashes on startup for me (homepage is apple.com/startpage default). *----> Stack Back Trace <----* *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for c:\Program Files\Safari\Safari.exe WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child 0012c6dc 107f7cfe 0012c93c 0012c7c8 01461fc8 WebKit_debug!WebCore__FrameLoader__loadDone+0x26 0012c7bc 109870a1 00000000 0012ca24 0012ca34 WebKit_debug!WebCore__DocLoader__setLoadInProgress+0x5e 0012c93c 10986f51 0394c4c0 00000000 0012cb18 WebKit_debug!WebCore__Loader__didFail+0x121 0012ca24 10a92dcb 0394c4c0 0012cb34 0012cc18 WebKit_debug!WebCore__Loader__didFail+0x31 0012cb18 109935cd 0012cb34 0012cd18 0012cc24 WebKit_debug!WebCore__SubresourceLoader__didCancel+0x9b 0012cc18 1099350e 0012cc34 0012ce44 0012d494 WebKit_debug!WebCore__ResourceLoader__cancel+0x7d 0012cd18 10709109 0012cf28 0012d494 01461fc8 WebKit_debug!WebCore__ResourceLoader__cancel+0x3e 0012ce44 1070af5f 039454a4 0012d07c 0012d494 WebKit_debug!WebCore__cancelAll+0x79 0012cf28 10708f91 0012d15c 0012d494 01461fc8 WebKit_debug!WebCore__DocumentLoader__stopLoadingSubresources+0x2f 0012d07c 106f2b92 0012d288 0012d494 01461fc8 WebKit_debug!WebCore__DocumentLoader__stopLoading+0x161 0012d15c 106f91da 0012d380 0012d494 01461fc8 WebKit_debug!WebCore__FrameLoader__stopAllLoaders+0x92 0012d288 106f8fc0 0012d698 00000000 03944d01 WebKit_debug!WebCore__FrameLoader__continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy+0x1da 0012d380 106fdbd3 03944db8 0012d698 00000000 WebKit_debug!WebCore__FrameLoader__callContinueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy+0x40 0012d488 106f8e98 00000001 01487818 0012d7d0 WebKit_debug!WebCore__PolicyCheck__call+0x63 0012d7c4 104fe10f 00000000 0018e7f0 03944a78 WebKit_debug!WebCore__FrameLoader__continueAfterNavigationPolicy+0x188 0012d7e0 1050ac5c 00000000 03944910 03944918 WebKit_debug!WebFrame__receivedPolicyDecision+0x10f 0012d808 1050ab5d 00000000 0012d8c4 00489536 WebKit_debug!WebFramePolicyListener__receivedPolicyDecision+0x8c 0012d814 00489536 03945130 01487818 03944910 WebKit_debug!WebFramePolicyListener__use+0xd 0012d8c4 00484116 01461fc8 03872548 01487818 Safari+0x89536 01462528 10dbc660 10dbc600 10dbc5e8 10dbc560 Safari+0x84116 10dbc6e0 10485c62 10484c90 104897a9 10464706 WebKit_debug!keyEntries+0x36f8 10480028 12cee900 29e90009 e9007d3b 004020d4 WebKit_debug! 0b1873e9 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x12cee900
Alexander Luck
Comment 6 2007-07-08 11:17:15 PDT
But attention: After set a local stylesheet file in Safari on Windows also change the WebKitPreferences.plist ! i.e.: <key>WebKitUserStyleSheetLocationPreferenceKey</key> <string>file://C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Alexander\Eigene Dateien\Safari_ad_blocking.css</string> <key>WebKitUsesPageCachePreferenceKey</key> Safari on Windows set a wrong string in the options file. I don't know that this error is known. This wrong set can also create a Safari crash.
Matt Lilek
Comment 7 2007-07-08 11:40:48 PDT
See bug 14561 for a crash when moving the style sheet.
David Kilzer (:ddkilzer)
Comment 8 2007-07-08 15:05:55 PDT
Alexander Luck
Comment 9 2007-07-09 09:38:18 PDT
The site apple.com/startpage show it the r24096 on my pc. No crash! I have also create a Back Trace with r24096 with a correct local sheet option in the WebKitPreferences.plist and run the url http://www.computerbase.de/forum/ *----> Stack Back Trace <----* *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:\Programme\Safari\CoreFoundation.dll - WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child 0013e434 1019d23d 00000000 00000000 0013e48c WebKit!WebCore__DocLoader__setLoadInProgress+0x24 0013e458 1019d17c 7ff447f4 00000000 1022e608 WebKit!WebCore__Loader__didFail+0xbd 0013e464 1022e608 7ff60380 0013e48c 7ff60380 WebKit!WebCore__Loader__didFail+0xc (FPO: [2,0,0]) 0013e478 101a33b0 0013e48c 00000000 7f5364fc WebKit!WebCore__SubresourceLoader__didCancel+0x28 (FPO: [1,0,0]) 0013e49c 100bc155 0013e4c0 0013e504 7fdc9780 WebKit!WebCore__ResourceLoader__cancel+0x60 (FPO: [1,5,0]) 0013e4ec 100bcb14 7f99ea40 00000007 00000000 WebKit!WebCore__cancelAll+0x95 0013e514 100b568e 7f99ea40 100b843e 6fc38401 WebKit!WebCore__DocumentLoader__stopLoading+0xf4 (FPO: [EBP 0x7f99ea40] [0,6,3]) 0013e51c 100b843e 6fc38401 0013e590 0013e7a0 WebKit!WebCore__FrameLoader__stopAllLoaders+0x4e (FPO: [0,0,1]) 0013e534 100b8318 00000000 6fc38401 100b8300 WebKit!WebCore__FrameLoader__continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy+0x11e (FPO: [EBP 0x0013e590] [2,1,4]) 0013e544 100baa11 7f99ea40 0013e590 00000000 WebKit!WebCore__FrameLoader__callContinueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy+0x18 (FPO: [4,1,0]) 0013e55c 100b82e2 6fc38401 100b8190 7fa23088 WebKit!WebCore__PolicyCheck__call+0x31 (FPO: [1,0,1]) 0013e628 6fc0102c 00000010 6fc030ec 02e02001 WebKit!WebCore__FrameLoader__continueAfterNavigationPolicy+0x152 6fc69504 00000280 6fc69504 00000000 00000000 CoreFoundation+0x102c *----> Stack Back Trace <----* *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll - WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700\MSVCR80.dll - ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child 01befd54 7c80a075 00000001 01befd98 00000000 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet 01befd70 6fc2ca18 00000001 01befd98 00000000 kernel32!WaitForMultipleObjects+0x18 01befedc 6fc2ccd3 01f31438 01f98da8 00000000 CoreFoundation!CFRunLoopFinished+0x401 01beff10 6fc2cd77 6fc68924 00000000 20000000 CoreFoundation!CFRunLoopFinished+0x6bc 01beff34 100be7d9 01f31438 01fa0290 6fc68924 CoreFoundation!CFRunLoopRun+0x26 01beff78 78132848 00000000 9e5f8f52 7c92056d WebKit!WebCore__runLoaderThread+0x69 (FPO: [1,10,0]) 01beffb0 781328c8 7c80b683 00b61ea8 7c92056d MSVCR80!endthread+0x4b 01beffec 00000000 7813286e 00b61ea8 00000000 MSVCR80!endthread+0xcb *----> Stack Back Trace <----* WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:\Programme\Safari\PubSubDLL.dll - ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child 03e1f8f4 7c80a075 00000001 03e1f938 00000000 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet 03e1f910 6fc2ca18 00000001 03e1f938 00000000 kernel32!WaitForMultipleObjects+0x18 03e1fa7c 6fc2ccd3 01f91128 0299a200 00000000 CoreFoundation!CFRunLoopFinished+0x401 03e1fab0 6fc2cd77 6fc68924 00000000 20000000 CoreFoundation!CFRunLoopFinished+0x6bc 03e1fad4 62c01c39 9bf04429 6fc69504 02033278 CoreFoundation!CFRunLoopRun+0x26 03e1ff6c 62c09d06 0299a3b0 781329bb 02033278 PubSubDLL+0x1c39 03e1ffac 78132a47 0299a3b0 7c80b683 00b61ea8 PubSubDLL+0x9d06 03e1ffec 00000000 781329e1 00b61ea8 00000000 MSVCR80!endthreadex+0xc7 *----> Stack Back Trace <----* WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child 045fff58 6181dcba 00000960 00000001 00000004 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet 045fff78 78132848 00000000 9bbe8f52 00000000 CFNetwork!CFHTTPGetConnectionInfoForProxyURL+0x8db 045fffb0 781328c8 7c80b683 00b61ea8 00000000 MSVCR80!endthread+0x4b 045fffec 00000000 7813286e 00b61ea8 00000000 MSVCR80!endthread+0xcb *----> Stack Back Trace <----* WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child 047fffb4 7c80b683 001aa478 00000000 00000000 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet 047fffec 00000000 71a02b11 001aa478 00000000 kernel32!GetModuleFileNameA+0x1b4 *----> Stack Back Trace <----* WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child 048fffb4 7c80b683 719bd8ec 01bef890 7c91ee18 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet 048fffec 00000000 719bd5af 001987c0 00000000 kernel32!GetModuleFileNameA+0x1b4 (Unfortunately, I did not know which file was important.)
Bryan Kirk
Comment 10 2007-08-31 19:25:31 PDT
I found out that the crash might be happening because of the backslashes in the path. Replacing them with slashes fixes the problem (at least it does for me).
Matt Lilek
Comment 11 2007-09-12 18:30:01 PDT
Fixed by Anders in r25523.
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