Bug 117602

Summary: Going to google.com/trends causes a crash
Product: WebKit Reporter: jacoco <cococohen1122>
Component: JavaScriptCoreAssignee: Oliver Hunt <oliver>
Severity: Normal CC: fpizlo, oliver
Priority: P1 Keywords: InRadar
Version: 528+ (Nightly build)   
Hardware: Mac (Intel)   
OS: OS X 10.8   
Description Flags
Patch ggaren: review+

Reported 2013-06-13 10:35:57 PDT
Going to google.com/trends force closes the browser
Patch (5.72 KB, patch)
2013-06-18 17:11 PDT, Oliver Hunt
no flags
Patch (6.69 KB, patch)
2013-06-18 17:31 PDT, Oliver Hunt
ggaren: review+
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1 2013-06-16 14:52:19 PDT
Oliver Hunt
Comment 2 2013-06-17 18:17:04 PDT
function g() { f() } function f() { doStuff(); arguments = undefined; } function doStuff() { throw {} } for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { try { g() } catch (e) {} }
Oliver Hunt
Comment 3 2013-06-18 12:17:40 PDT
Okay, so if we have: function g() { f() } function f() { doStuff(); arguments; } function doStuff() { throw {} } for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { try { g() } catch (e) {} } The initial graph is: DFG for g#BBXOF8:[0x7fe6ad00f000->0x10935fd70, DFGFunctionCall]: Fixpoint state: BeforeFixpoint; Form: LoadStore; Unification state: LocallyUnified; Ref count state: EverythingIsLive ArgumentPosition size: 3 #0: #1: #2: Block #0 (bc#0): (OSR target) Predecessors: Phi Nodes: vars before: <empty> var links: arg0:- : r0:- r1:- r2:- r3:- r4:- r5:- r6:- r7:- r8:- r9:- r10:- r11:- r12:- r13:- r14:- r15:- r16:- r17:- r18:- 0: < 1:-> SetArgument(arg0(a), bc#0) predicting None 1: < 1:-> JSConstant(JS|PureInt, $0 = Undefined, bc#1) 2: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global4(0x105dff9c8), bc#1) 3: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|PureInt, 0x1092decb0, bc#1) 4: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(B~), bc#1) predicting None 5: < 1:-> SetLocal(@3, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(C~), bc#1) predicting None 6: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(D~), bc#1) predicting None 7: < 1:-> SetLocal(@3, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(E~), bc#1) predicting None 8: <!0:-> Phantom(@3, @1, MustGen|CanExit, bc#7) --> f#AmUsAH:<0x10935fc70, bc#7, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092decb0 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r8> 9: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) 10: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(F*), bc#0) predicting None 11: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(G*), bc#0) predicting None 12: < 1:-> JSConstant(JS|PureInt, $1 = <JSValue()>, bc#1) 13: <!0:-> Flush(MustGen, r9(G*), bc#1) predicting None 14: < 1:-> SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(H*), bc#1) predicting None 15: <!0:-> Flush(MustGen, r8(F*), bc#3) predicting None 16: < 1:-> SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(I*), bc#3) predicting None 17: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global5(0x105dff9d0), bc#5) 18: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|PureInt, 0x1092dec70, bc#5) 19: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(J~), bc#5) predicting None 20: < 1:-> SetLocal(@18, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(K~), bc#5) predicting None 21: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(L~), bc#5) predicting None 22: < 1:-> SetLocal(@18, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(M~), bc#5) predicting None 23: <!0:-> Phantom(@18, @1, MustGen|CanExit, bc#11) --> doStuff#ASE1VK:<0x10935fb70, bc#11, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092dec70 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r18> 24: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) 25: < 1:-> NewObject(JS|PureInt|CanExit, struct(0x105ddb6c8: NonArray), bc#1) 26: < 1:-> SetLocal(@25, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r18(N~), bc#1) predicting None 27: <!0:-> Throw(@25, MustGen|CanExit, bc#5) Which eventually becomes: var links: arg0:@0 : r0:- r1:- r2:- r3:- r4:- r5:- r6:- r7:- r8:- r9:- r10:- r11:- r12:- r13:- r14:- r15:- r16:- r17:- r18:- 0: < 1:-> SetArgument(arg0(a), bc#0) predicting Other 1: < 1:-> JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $0 = Undefined, bc#1) 2: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global4(0x105dff9c8), bc#1) 3: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092decb0, bc#1) 4: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(B~<Other>), bc#1) predicting Other 5: < 1:-> SetLocal(@3<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(C~<Function>), bc#1) predicting Function 6: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(D~<Other>), bc#1) predicting Other 7: < 1:-> SetLocal(@3<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(E~<Function>), bc#1) predicting Function 8: <!0:-> Phantom(@3<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#7) --> f#AmUsAH:<0x10935fc70, bc#7, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092decb0 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r8> 9: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) 10: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(F*<Other>), bc#0) predicting Other 11: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(G*<Other>), bc#0) predicting Other 12: < 1:-> JSConstant(JS|PureInt, $1 = <JSValue()>, bc#1) 13: <!0:-> Flush(@11, MustGen, r9(G*<Other>), bc#1) predicting Other 14: < 1:-> SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(H*), bc#1) predicting Empty 15: <!0:-> Flush(@10, MustGen, r8(F*<Other>), bc#3) predicting Other 16: < 1:-> SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(I*), bc#3) predicting Empty 17: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global5(0x105dff9d0), bc#5) 18: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092dec70, bc#5) 19: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(J~<Other>), bc#5) predicting Other 20: < 1:-> SetLocal(@18<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(K~<Function>), bc#5) predicting Function 21: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(L~<Other>), bc#5) predicting Other 22: < 1:-> SetLocal(@18<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(M~<Function>), bc#5) predicting Function 23: <!0:-> Phantom(@18<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#11) --> doStuff#ASE1VK:<0x10935fb70, bc#11, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092dec70 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r18> 24: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) 25: < 1:-> NewObject(JS|UseAsOther|CanExit, struct(0x105ddb6c8: NonArray), bc#1) 26: < 1:-> SetLocal(@25<Final>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r18(N~<Final>), bc#1) predicting Final 27: <!0:-> Throw(@25<Final>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#5) And then after DCE var links: arg0:@0 : r0:- r1:- r2:- r3:- r4:- r5:- r6:- r7:- r8:- r9:- r10:- r11:- r12:- r13:- r14:- r15:- r16:- r17:- r18:- 0: skipped < 0:-> SetArgument(arg0(a), bc#0) 1: < 4:-> JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $0 = Undefined, bc#1) 2: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global4(0x105dff9c8), bc#1) 3: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092decb0, bc#1) 4: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r1(B~<Other>), bc#1) 5: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@3<Function>, r0(C~<Function>), bc#1) 6: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r1(D~<Other>), bc#1) 7: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@3<Function>, r0(E~<Function>), bc#1) 8: <!0:-> Phantom(@3<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen, bc#7) --> f#AmUsAH:<0x10935fc70, bc#7, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092decb0 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r8> 9: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) 10: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r8(F*<Other>), bc#0) 11: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r9(G*<Other>), bc#0) 12: <!0:-> Phantom(MustGen|CanExit, bc#1) 13: <!0:-> Phantom(@1<Other>, MustGen, bc#1) 14: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r9(H*), bc#1) 15: <!0:-> Phantom(@1<Other>, MustGen, bc#3) 16: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r8(I*), bc#3) 17: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global5(0x105dff9d0), bc#5) 18: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092dec70, bc#5) 19: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r11(J~<Other>), bc#5) 20: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@18<Function>, r10(K~<Function>), bc#5) 21: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r11(L~<Other>), bc#5) 22: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@18<Function>, r10(M~<Function>), bc#5) 23: <!0:-> Phantom(@18<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen, bc#11) --> doStuff#ASE1VK:<0x10935fb70, bc#11, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092dec70 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r18> 24: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) 25: < 1:-> NewObject(JS|UseAsOther, struct(0x105ddb6c8: NonArray), bc#1) 26: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@25<Final>, r18(N~<Final>), bc#1) 27: <!0:-> Throw(@25<Final>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#5) Nodes @14 and @16 were responsible for initializing the lazy argument slots, but they have been elided, despite being necessary for correct behavior. I can add addToGraph(Phantom, get(currentInstruction[1].u.operand)); To init_lazy_reg, and that makes this crash go away, but it feels jacky, and looking at the output graph it is not obvious _why_ we end up with the correct behavior.
Filip Pizlo
Comment 4 2013-06-18 15:40:08 PDT
(In reply to comment #3) > Okay, so if we have: > function g() { f() } > function f() { doStuff(); arguments; } > function doStuff() { throw {} } > > for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { try { g() } catch (e) {} } > > > > The initial graph is: > DFG for g#BBXOF8:[0x7fe6ad00f000->0x10935fd70, DFGFunctionCall]: > Fixpoint state: BeforeFixpoint; Form: LoadStore; Unification state: LocallyUnified; Ref count state: EverythingIsLive > ArgumentPosition size: 3 > #0: > #1: > #2: > Block #0 (bc#0): (OSR target) > Predecessors: > Phi Nodes: > vars before: <empty> > var links: arg0:- : r0:- r1:- r2:- r3:- r4:- r5:- r6:- r7:- r8:- r9:- r10:- r11:- r12:- r13:- r14:- r15:- r16:- r17:- r18:- > 0: < 1:-> SetArgument(arg0(a), bc#0) predicting None > 1: < 1:-> JSConstant(JS|PureInt, $0 = Undefined, bc#1) > 2: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global4(0x105dff9c8), bc#1) > 3: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|PureInt, 0x1092decb0, bc#1) > 4: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(B~), bc#1) predicting None > 5: < 1:-> SetLocal(@3, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(C~), bc#1) predicting None > 6: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(D~), bc#1) predicting None > 7: < 1:-> SetLocal(@3, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(E~), bc#1) predicting None > 8: <!0:-> Phantom(@3, @1, MustGen|CanExit, bc#7) > --> f#AmUsAH:<0x10935fc70, bc#7, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092decb0 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r8> > 9: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) > 10: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(F*), bc#0) predicting None > 11: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(G*), bc#0) predicting None > 12: < 1:-> JSConstant(JS|PureInt, $1 = <JSValue()>, bc#1) > 13: <!0:-> Flush(MustGen, r9(G*), bc#1) predicting None > 14: < 1:-> SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(H*), bc#1) predicting None > 15: <!0:-> Flush(MustGen, r8(F*), bc#3) predicting None > 16: < 1:-> SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(I*), bc#3) predicting None Are 14 and 16 flushed? > 17: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global5(0x105dff9d0), bc#5) > 18: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|PureInt, 0x1092dec70, bc#5) > 19: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(J~), bc#5) predicting None > 20: < 1:-> SetLocal(@18, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(K~), bc#5) predicting None > 21: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(L~), bc#5) predicting None > 22: < 1:-> SetLocal(@18, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(M~), bc#5) predicting None > 23: <!0:-> Phantom(@18, @1, MustGen|CanExit, bc#11) > --> doStuff#ASE1VK:<0x10935fb70, bc#11, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092dec70 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r18> > 24: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) > 25: < 1:-> NewObject(JS|PureInt|CanExit, struct(0x105ddb6c8: NonArray), bc#1) > 26: < 1:-> SetLocal(@25, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r18(N~), bc#1) predicting None > 27: <!0:-> Throw(@25, MustGen|CanExit, bc#5) > > > Which eventually becomes: > var links: arg0:@0 : r0:- r1:- r2:- r3:- r4:- r5:- r6:- r7:- r8:- r9:- r10:- r11:- r12:- r13:- r14:- r15:- r16:- r17:- r18:- > 0: < 1:-> SetArgument(arg0(a), bc#0) predicting Other > 1: < 1:-> JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $0 = Undefined, bc#1) > 2: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global4(0x105dff9c8), bc#1) > 3: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092decb0, bc#1) > 4: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(B~<Other>), bc#1) predicting Other > 5: < 1:-> SetLocal(@3<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(C~<Function>), bc#1) predicting Function > 6: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(D~<Other>), bc#1) predicting Other > 7: < 1:-> SetLocal(@3<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(E~<Function>), bc#1) predicting Function > 8: <!0:-> Phantom(@3<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#7) > --> f#AmUsAH:<0x10935fc70, bc#7, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092decb0 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r8> > 9: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) > 10: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(F*<Other>), bc#0) predicting Other > 11: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(G*<Other>), bc#0) predicting Other > 12: < 1:-> JSConstant(JS|PureInt, $1 = <JSValue()>, bc#1) > 13: <!0:-> Flush(@11, MustGen, r9(G*<Other>), bc#1) predicting Other > 14: < 1:-> SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(H*), bc#1) predicting Empty > 15: <!0:-> Flush(@10, MustGen, r8(F*<Other>), bc#3) predicting Other > 16: < 1:-> SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(I*), bc#3) predicting Empty > 17: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global5(0x105dff9d0), bc#5) > 18: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092dec70, bc#5) > 19: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(J~<Other>), bc#5) predicting Other > 20: < 1:-> SetLocal(@18<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(K~<Function>), bc#5) predicting Function > 21: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(L~<Other>), bc#5) predicting Other > 22: < 1:-> SetLocal(@18<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(M~<Function>), bc#5) predicting Function > 23: <!0:-> Phantom(@18<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#11) > --> doStuff#ASE1VK:<0x10935fb70, bc#11, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092dec70 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r18> > 24: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) > 25: < 1:-> NewObject(JS|UseAsOther|CanExit, struct(0x105ddb6c8: NonArray), bc#1) > 26: < 1:-> SetLocal(@25<Final>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r18(N~<Final>), bc#1) predicting Final > 27: <!0:-> Throw(@25<Final>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#5) > > > And then after DCE > var links: arg0:@0 : r0:- r1:- r2:- r3:- r4:- r5:- r6:- r7:- r8:- r9:- r10:- r11:- r12:- r13:- r14:- r15:- r16:- r17:- r18:- > 0: skipped < 0:-> SetArgument(arg0(a), bc#0) > 1: < 4:-> JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $0 = Undefined, bc#1) > 2: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global4(0x105dff9c8), bc#1) > 3: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092decb0, bc#1) > 4: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r1(B~<Other>), bc#1) > 5: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@3<Function>, r0(C~<Function>), bc#1) > 6: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r1(D~<Other>), bc#1) > 7: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@3<Function>, r0(E~<Function>), bc#1) > 8: <!0:-> Phantom(@3<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen, bc#7) > --> f#AmUsAH:<0x10935fc70, bc#7, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092decb0 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r8> > 9: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) > 10: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r8(F*<Other>), bc#0) > 11: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r9(G*<Other>), bc#0) > 12: <!0:-> Phantom(MustGen|CanExit, bc#1) > 13: <!0:-> Phantom(@1<Other>, MustGen, bc#1) > 14: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r9(H*), bc#1) > 15: <!0:-> Phantom(@1<Other>, MustGen, bc#3) > 16: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r8(I*), bc#3) > 17: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global5(0x105dff9d0), bc#5) > 18: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092dec70, bc#5) > 19: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r11(J~<Other>), bc#5) > 20: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@18<Function>, r10(K~<Function>), bc#5) > 21: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r11(L~<Other>), bc#5) > 22: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@18<Function>, r10(M~<Function>), bc#5) > 23: <!0:-> Phantom(@18<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen, bc#11) > --> doStuff#ASE1VK:<0x10935fb70, bc#11, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092dec70 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r18> > 24: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) > 25: < 1:-> NewObject(JS|UseAsOther, struct(0x105ddb6c8: NonArray), bc#1) > 26: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@25<Final>, r18(N~<Final>), bc#1) > 27: <!0:-> Throw(@25<Final>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#5) > > > Nodes @14 and @16 were responsible for initializing the lazy argument slots, but they have been elided, despite being necessary for correct behavior. > > I can add > addToGraph(Phantom, get(currentInstruction[1].u.operand)); > > To init_lazy_reg, and that makes this crash go away, but it feels jacky, and looking at the output graph it is not obvious _why_ we end up with the correct behavior. No that is definitely not the right solution. Why aren't those two nodes flushed? Does the inkined functional ways end in Throw? If so maybe it's that op_throw (and ThrowReferenceError) aren't doing the Flushing that op_ret and op_end do?
Filip Pizlo
Comment 5 2013-06-18 15:41:43 PDT
(In reply to comment #4) > (In reply to comment #3) > > Okay, so if we have: > > function g() { f() } > > function f() { doStuff(); arguments; } > > function doStuff() { throw {} } > > > > for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { try { g() } catch (e) {} } > > > > > > > > The initial graph is: > > DFG for g#BBXOF8:[0x7fe6ad00f000->0x10935fd70, DFGFunctionCall]: > > Fixpoint state: BeforeFixpoint; Form: LoadStore; Unification state: LocallyUnified; Ref count state: EverythingIsLive > > ArgumentPosition size: 3 > > #0: > > #1: > > #2: > > Block #0 (bc#0): (OSR target) > > Predecessors: > > Phi Nodes: > > vars before: <empty> > > var links: arg0:- : r0:- r1:- r2:- r3:- r4:- r5:- r6:- r7:- r8:- r9:- r10:- r11:- r12:- r13:- r14:- r15:- r16:- r17:- r18:- > > 0: < 1:-> SetArgument(arg0(a), bc#0) predicting None > > 1: < 1:-> JSConstant(JS|PureInt, $0 = Undefined, bc#1) > > 2: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global4(0x105dff9c8), bc#1) > > 3: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|PureInt, 0x1092decb0, bc#1) > > 4: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(B~), bc#1) predicting None > > 5: < 1:-> SetLocal(@3, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(C~), bc#1) predicting None > > 6: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(D~), bc#1) predicting None > > 7: < 1:-> SetLocal(@3, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(E~), bc#1) predicting None > > 8: <!0:-> Phantom(@3, @1, MustGen|CanExit, bc#7) > > --> f#AmUsAH:<0x10935fc70, bc#7, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092decb0 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r8> > > 9: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) > > 10: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(F*), bc#0) predicting None > > 11: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(G*), bc#0) predicting None > > 12: < 1:-> JSConstant(JS|PureInt, $1 = <JSValue()>, bc#1) > > 13: <!0:-> Flush(MustGen, r9(G*), bc#1) predicting None > > 14: < 1:-> SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(H*), bc#1) predicting None > > 15: <!0:-> Flush(MustGen, r8(F*), bc#3) predicting None > > 16: < 1:-> SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(I*), bc#3) predicting None > > Are 14 and 16 flushed? > > > 17: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global5(0x105dff9d0), bc#5) > > 18: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|PureInt, 0x1092dec70, bc#5) > > 19: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(J~), bc#5) predicting None > > 20: < 1:-> SetLocal(@18, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(K~), bc#5) predicting None > > 21: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(L~), bc#5) predicting None > > 22: < 1:-> SetLocal(@18, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(M~), bc#5) predicting None > > 23: <!0:-> Phantom(@18, @1, MustGen|CanExit, bc#11) > > --> doStuff#ASE1VK:<0x10935fb70, bc#11, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092dec70 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r18> > > 24: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) > > 25: < 1:-> NewObject(JS|PureInt|CanExit, struct(0x105ddb6c8: NonArray), bc#1) > > 26: < 1:-> SetLocal(@25, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r18(N~), bc#1) predicting None > > 27: <!0:-> Throw(@25, MustGen|CanExit, bc#5) > > > > > > Which eventually becomes: > > var links: arg0:@0 : r0:- r1:- r2:- r3:- r4:- r5:- r6:- r7:- r8:- r9:- r10:- r11:- r12:- r13:- r14:- r15:- r16:- r17:- r18:- > > 0: < 1:-> SetArgument(arg0(a), bc#0) predicting Other > > 1: < 1:-> JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $0 = Undefined, bc#1) > > 2: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global4(0x105dff9c8), bc#1) > > 3: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092decb0, bc#1) > > 4: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(B~<Other>), bc#1) predicting Other > > 5: < 1:-> SetLocal(@3<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(C~<Function>), bc#1) predicting Function > > 6: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(D~<Other>), bc#1) predicting Other > > 7: < 1:-> SetLocal(@3<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(E~<Function>), bc#1) predicting Function > > 8: <!0:-> Phantom(@3<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#7) > > --> f#AmUsAH:<0x10935fc70, bc#7, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092decb0 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r8> > > 9: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) > > 10: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(F*<Other>), bc#0) predicting Other > > 11: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(G*<Other>), bc#0) predicting Other > > 12: < 1:-> JSConstant(JS|PureInt, $1 = <JSValue()>, bc#1) > > 13: <!0:-> Flush(@11, MustGen, r9(G*<Other>), bc#1) predicting Other > > 14: < 1:-> SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(H*), bc#1) predicting Empty > > 15: <!0:-> Flush(@10, MustGen, r8(F*<Other>), bc#3) predicting Other > > 16: < 1:-> SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(I*), bc#3) predicting Empty > > 17: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global5(0x105dff9d0), bc#5) > > 18: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092dec70, bc#5) > > 19: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(J~<Other>), bc#5) predicting Other > > 20: < 1:-> SetLocal(@18<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(K~<Function>), bc#5) predicting Function > > 21: < 1:-> SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(L~<Other>), bc#5) predicting Other > > 22: < 1:-> SetLocal(@18<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(M~<Function>), bc#5) predicting Function > > 23: <!0:-> Phantom(@18<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#11) > > --> doStuff#ASE1VK:<0x10935fb70, bc#11, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092dec70 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r18> > > 24: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) > > 25: < 1:-> NewObject(JS|UseAsOther|CanExit, struct(0x105ddb6c8: NonArray), bc#1) > > 26: < 1:-> SetLocal(@25<Final>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r18(N~<Final>), bc#1) predicting Final > > 27: <!0:-> Throw(@25<Final>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#5) > > > > > > And then after DCE > > var links: arg0:@0 : r0:- r1:- r2:- r3:- r4:- r5:- r6:- r7:- r8:- r9:- r10:- r11:- r12:- r13:- r14:- r15:- r16:- r17:- r18:- > > 0: skipped < 0:-> SetArgument(arg0(a), bc#0) > > 1: < 4:-> JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $0 = Undefined, bc#1) > > 2: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global4(0x105dff9c8), bc#1) > > 3: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092decb0, bc#1) > > 4: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r1(B~<Other>), bc#1) > > 5: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@3<Function>, r0(C~<Function>), bc#1) > > 6: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r1(D~<Other>), bc#1) > > 7: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@3<Function>, r0(E~<Function>), bc#1) > > 8: <!0:-> Phantom(@3<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen, bc#7) > > --> f#AmUsAH:<0x10935fc70, bc#7, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092decb0 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r8> > > 9: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) > > 10: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r8(F*<Other>), bc#0) > > 11: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r9(G*<Other>), bc#0) > > 12: <!0:-> Phantom(MustGen|CanExit, bc#1) > > 13: <!0:-> Phantom(@1<Other>, MustGen, bc#1) > > 14: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r9(H*), bc#1) > > 15: <!0:-> Phantom(@1<Other>, MustGen, bc#3) > > 16: skipped < 0:-> ZombieHint(r8(I*), bc#3) > > 17: <!0:-> GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global5(0x105dff9d0), bc#5) > > 18: < 1:-> WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092dec70, bc#5) > > 19: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r11(J~<Other>), bc#5) > > 20: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@18<Function>, r10(K~<Function>), bc#5) > > 21: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@1<Other>, r11(L~<Other>), bc#5) > > 22: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@18<Function>, r10(M~<Function>), bc#5) > > 23: <!0:-> Phantom(@18<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen, bc#11) > > --> doStuff#ASE1VK:<0x10935fb70, bc#11, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092dec70 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r18> > > 24: <!0:-> InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0) > > 25: < 1:-> NewObject(JS|UseAsOther, struct(0x105ddb6c8: NonArray), bc#1) > > 26: skipped < 0:-> MovHint(@25<Final>, r18(N~<Final>), bc#1) > > 27: <!0:-> Throw(@25<Final>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#5) > > > > > > Nodes @14 and @16 were responsible for initializing the lazy argument slots, but they have been elided, despite being necessary for correct behavior. > > > > I can add > > addToGraph(Phantom, get(currentInstruction[1].u.operand)); > > > > To init_lazy_reg, and that makes this crash go away, but it feels jacky, and looking at the output graph it is not obvious _why_ we end up with the correct behavior. > > No that is definitely not the right solution. Why aren't those two nodes flushed? Does the inkined functional ways end in Throw? If so maybe it's that op_throw (and ThrowReferenceError) aren't doing the Flushing that op_ret and op_end do? Just reread the original bug code. Yeah, the bug is that op_throw doesn't do the flushing that op_ret does. This can be fixed by either copying or abstracting the code in ByteCodeParser for flushing in return, so that throwing also does it.
Oliver Hunt
Comment 6 2013-06-18 15:48:51 PDT
> Just reread the original bug code. Yeah, the bug is that op_throw doesn't do the flushing that op_ret does. This can be fixed by either copying or abstracting the code in ByteCodeParser for flushing in return, so that throwing also does it. Yeah, i was coming to the conclusion as well (there's another bug i cc'd you on which I think is just another symptom of this) randomly should op_throw be flagged as clobbers the world?
Oliver Hunt
Comment 7 2013-06-18 15:52:05 PDT
(In reply to comment #6) > > Just reread the original bug code. Yeah, the bug is that op_throw doesn't do the flushing that op_ret does. This can be fixed by either copying or abstracting the code in ByteCodeParser for flushing in return, so that throwing also does it. > > Yeah, i was coming to the conclusion as well (there's another bug i cc'd you on which I think is just another symptom of this) > > randomly should op_throw be flagged as clobbers the world? Although my reading of the code implies that throw, etc think that they _are_ flushing everything
Filip Pizlo
Comment 8 2013-06-18 15:59:44 PDT
(In reply to comment #6) > > Just reread the original bug code. Yeah, the bug is that op_throw doesn't do the flushing that op_ret does. This can be fixed by either copying or abstracting the code in ByteCodeParser for flushing in return, so that throwing also does it. > > Yeah, i was coming to the conclusion as well (there's another bug i cc'd you on which I think is just another symptom of this) > > randomly should op_throw be flagged as clobbers the world? No, throwing doesn't clobber, for the same reason that return doesn't: it's a terminal.
Filip Pizlo
Comment 9 2013-06-18 16:07:54 PDT
(In reply to comment #7) > (In reply to comment #6) > > > Just reread the original bug code. Yeah, the bug is that op_throw doesn't do the flushing that op_ret does. This can be fixed by either copying or abstracting the code in ByteCodeParser for flushing in return, so that throwing also does it. > > > > Yeah, i was coming to the conclusion as well (there's another bug i cc'd you on which I think is just another symptom of this) > > > > randomly should op_throw be flagged as clobbers the world? > > Although my reading of the code implies that throw, etc think that they _are_ flushing everything Lololololo. I see the bug and its awesome. Throw is doing the right thing, if throw behaved like return. Return just "pops" the function you're returning from. But throw pops all functions we've inkined: it is a hard terminal. So throw must flush eveything but it only flushes things from inline stack top. That's why the bug manifests if you throw from something that is inlined into an arguments-using function; presumably throwing directly won't break it. Just make throw flush things for all inline stack entries and not just the top one.
Oliver Hunt
Comment 10 2013-06-18 16:09:15 PDT
*** Bug 117749 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Oliver Hunt
Comment 11 2013-06-18 16:22:00 PDT
Okay I believe i have this fixed
Oliver Hunt
Comment 12 2013-06-18 17:11:32 PDT
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 13 2013-06-18 17:27:20 PDT
Comment on attachment 204956 [details] Patch View in context: https://bugs.webkit.org/attachment.cgi?id=204956&action=review > Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGByteCodeParser.cpp:452 > + for (InlineStackEntry* stack = m_inlineStackTop; stack; stack = stack->m_caller) { I'd call this variable "entry", not "stack", since it's an entry in the stack, and not the whole stack.
Oliver Hunt
Comment 14 2013-06-18 17:31:49 PDT
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 15 2013-06-18 17:33:53 PDT
Comment on attachment 204958 [details] Patch View in context: https://bugs.webkit.org/attachment.cgi?id=204958&action=review r=me > Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGByteCodeParser.cpp:458 > + void flushInlineStackEntry(InlineStackEntry* inlineStackEntry) You can just call this "flush", since the type disambiguates in C++.
Oliver Hunt
Comment 16 2013-06-18 17:36:22 PDT
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